Niam Horayne - Carnival

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Prompt as requested by Kuhreyzzi: Where Niall hates Liam. He goes to the carnival to relieve his stress because his parents are fighting again and he somehow ends up in front of a game stand where he has to shoot some ducks. Liam (annoying as ever) appears and then teaches Niall to shoot because he sucks at shooting... and then you know what happens next ;)) So basically Liam gets touchy feely with Niall and then... I don't know what happens next. Haha ! You decide :))))

Note: I completely screwed this up. I tried something, but I failed. Sorry! :(

Oh, and I've made this an AU where they are still in school.


Niall P.O.V.

When I was younger, the carnival always managed to cheer me up, no matter what. I'd go on the fun rides, play silly games to win nice prices and eat lots and lots of sweets. But that were different times, right? The 'problems' I had when I was younger were small and stupid ones and little, unimportant things could bring me down. For example that time when I lost one of my toys. I was so sad, but my parents took me to the carnival and when we returned I was as happy as could be again. But as I said, things have changed.

My problems aren't lost toys anymore. No, nowadays I worry about what kind of mean things people are going to say to me at school and how bad the next fights that my parents have will be. You know, that kind of things.

Now is one of those times. I ran away from home because the constant arguments between my parents were too much to handle. Well, that pretty much brings me back here. Walking through the streets alone, on my way to the carnival. Yeah, I know how stupid that must sound, but I got the idea while I was running. It always worked when I was younger, so why not give it a try now?

I can already hear the laughter of little children and the constant talking of the crowd getting louder and louder as I approach the carnival. The sweet smell of cotton candy and sweets fill my nose, and I can't help but smile contently as good memories cross my mind. Oh well, maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after all.

I enter the carnival with a smile and decide to walk around a bit at first. Not a lot has changed since I last visited this place; there's still the usual rides and the good old game stands. There are a few new things though, and apparently they are pretty popular amongst the visitors.

In the distance, I suddenly notice my favourite game stand of all times: The Duck-Shooting stand! I don't really know why I love it so much, but it has been my favourite ever since I was a little child. I actually suck at it though, and I barely ever win a price, so then why do I like it so much? Nostalgia maybe?

I shrug the thoughts away and start walking towards the Duck-Shooting stand, already grabbing some money from my pocket. The woman behind the stand notices me approaching and a smile makes its way on her face. "Hello there, love. How many shoots would you like?"

I smile back at her politely. "Ten, please." She nods and I give her the money in my hands. In return she hands me the fake gun, after she stocked exactly ten little balls in it. I take a steady position and close one eye in order to get a better aim on the fake ducks. I hesitantly pull the trigger, and the force of the shot shocks me, just like it always did when I was younger. I take a quick look to see if I hit any ducks, but of course I missed. Way to go.

I sigh, before trying another shot. Luck isn't really on my side today, because my second shot is also a failure. I mutter some curse words under my breath before trying again. Guess what? I also missed with the third shot. Yay for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2013 ⏰

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