Chapter 2

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This one is a lot shorter than the first chapter.  Hope you like it.  Please comment or send me a message with what you think!


    I skipped breakfast this morning and slept in until I knew Jason was gone.  I wanted to make the least amount of confrontations with him as possible.  I took my shower, brushed my hair, and put on my uniform.  On my way out the door I picked up my handy dandy messenger bag, and headed off to English.

    Tyler managed to get his tie done correctly this morning.  On his desk laid an untouched Boston Cream doughnut and a Starbucks iced coffee.  The two things he hates most in the morning are coffee and doughnuts.  Interestingly enough, that is my usual breakfast for as long as I can remember, except for the iced coffee, that used to be hot chocolate. 

    “Elli come here for a second,” Tyler called me over to his desk once I had put my bag down.

    “What’s up?” I asked.

    “You weren’t at breakfast this morning,” Tyler stated, looking at me as if he was trying to figure out why.

    “I didn’t hear my alarm clock go off,” I lied.  He knows I don’t have an alarm clock.  As soon as the sun rises, I rise.  Please don’t say anything.

    “I find that hard to believe.” Damn it...Janet…

    “Well I don’t think it’s hard to believe,” I retorted.  “How did you even know I wasn’t at breakfast?”

    “Your guy-pal came to me asking where you were.”  Oh damn!  I can’t believe I ditched Connor.  There is no way I can make up for that.  “I got you something to eat,” Tyler said, pushing the doughnut and coffee towards me.

    “Why?” I asked as my tum-tum grumbled.

    “You know your parents want me watching after you.  Just eat it.”  I took a bite from the doughnut and sat back in my seat.  I was about to swallow a sip of the iced coffee when an arm was flung around my waist.  I was so started that I started to choke.

    “Chill out Eeyore!  It’s only me, nothing to get choked up about.  Now who you want to get choked up about is Henry,” The son of a female doggy waggled his eyebrows again.

    I coughed and cleared my throat, “You’re so disgusting!  I thought you weren’t talking.  What makes you not as bad as I seem to think?  Just like last night, Jason zipped his mouth and refused to say a word.  I looked up to the front of the room.  The rest of the class had come in and Tyler was writing on the board.  I took another sip from the iced coffee, uninterrupted this time.

    “Mr. Hare, why does Eeyore get to eat and drink in class?” Jason asked while I was in mid-bite of my doughnut.

    “Because she is special and you’re not,” Tyler concluded.

    “But Barney says everyone is special in their own way,” Bridget interjected.

    “And Elli’s special feature is that she is the only one who can eat and drink in class,” Tyler said nonchalantly.

    “That’s not fair,” Jason insisted, gently slamming his fist on our table.

    Fed up with this discussion, I slide the half eaten doughnut and iced coffee over to Jason’s side of the table and shouted, “Here! Take it if it really means that much to you.”

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