Chapter 4

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I'm sorry for such a short post, but this part was needed.  Please leave a comment with what you're thinking so far of the story.  Thanks :)


            It took the boys about half an hour to get me to calm down enough to get me back into my room.  Currently I sat on my bed while Jason was hogging the shower.  All I could think about was the mind blowing kiss.  I must have dozed off for a while because suddenly I was pounced on by a wet son of a female doggy that seems to be only wearing a towel.

            “Jason!  What are you doing?” I screamed.

            “What does he have that I don’t have?” he asked breaking the intense gaze he held me in.

            I looked at him confused.

            “Mr. Hare.  What makes him better than me?  Elli, I know what you guys did,” Jason said pleadingly.

            “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Jason, but will you please get off of me?”

            “Why would you do that with him?  What makes that pedophile any better than me?  He should be arrested.  In fact I should go do that now,” Jason ranted hysterically.  He took his phone off of the side table in between our beds.  I grabbed his wrist.

            “Don’t,” I told him forcefully.

            “Give me a good reason not to.  I watched you run away from the Academy to the lake.  Heck, you even bumped into me on the way but you kept going.  I followed after I saw Mr. Hare come after you.  I hid behind a tree and watched him molest you.  He violated your body!  Why the hell should I not tell the cops?”

            “News flash: you violate me all the time!  Should I call the cops on you?  I don’t think you would like that much at all.  And besides, it was just a kiss.  No big deal,” I tried to calm him down.  Okay, so it kind of was a big deal.  He took my first kiss…and somehow it was his first kiss as well.  It had to be.  I felt it.

            “It’s not the same and you know it.”

            “Yeah, you can’t seem to get your filthy paws off of me,” I glared at his body pinning me down.

            “He’s a freaking PEDOPHILE!  He is sexually harassing you.  Do you understand?  Do you know how close you were to being raped?  Holy shiz!  You had to have seen how he was looking at you.  It was like he was ready to eat you up and then make you his sex slave!  With me it’s different.  Completely different.  I’m simply flirting.  I’m supposed to be all touchy feely with you.  Not our teacher!”

            “It is not harassment or rape if it is wanted and welcomed.  You’re not supposed to do anything.”

            “So what you’re saying is that you wanted that scumbag pedophile of a teacher to touch you,” disgust dripped each word as Jason sneered.

            “Stop talking about Tyler like he is the puss that oozes from an infected wound,” I cringed at the thought.

            “Oooo.  Using the first name there, you’re so cool,” hysteric sarcasm spewed from Jason’s lips, which were starting to lose their pink color.  I grunted at him.  Really?  He’s complaining about what I called Tyler?

            “You call that thing your ‘friend’?  Haha, nice joke.  Since when did you become friends with pedophiles, Elli?  Since when did friends sexually harass friends?”

            “Since when does friend need such an emphasis?” I retorted.

            “Since that pedophile went all inapro-pro on you.”

            “For G-d’s sake, Tyler, Mr. Hare, is not a freaking pedophile!  He did not harass me.”

            Jason stared at me in disbelief, “Are you trying to say that you actually like the guy?  Are you trying to say you enjoy being touched by your teacher?  That’s really freaking sick!” Jason spat his words.  His lips were turning blue and his whole body started quivering.

            “I am not saying anything of the sort.  I was upset so he freaked out and kissed me.  It meant nothing.”  False, yes it did; it meant everything! “The kiss was nothing but a distraction from my tears.”

            “So if kisses mean nothing to you and purely are just a distraction, kiss me.  I am in need of a distraction.”  What the hell?

            “What?  I will not kiss you.”  What on Earth is that son of a female doggy thinking?

            “Oh so you only kiss old men now?  Kiss me, damn it, Elli!”  Jason leaned in to kiss me.  His hand trembled as he held my face in place.  His touch was ice cold.  Soon his ice blue lips were nearly pressed against my warm, deep red lips.  I turned my head before he made contact and he kissed my cheek instead.  I struggled out from under him and stood in the place between our beds.

            “Jason you are freezing and you are making no sense.  You are being delusional.  I’ll go grab you a nice, warm towel to dry yourself off while you go put some clothes on.  There was no kiss.  I do not know what you are talking about.  You are imagining things.” Hopefully he believes that.  His expression right now read dazed and perplexed.

            “Hmm, I’ll let it g-g-go for now.  Maybe you are r-r-r-right,” Jason’s teeth chattered.  With that he went over to his drawers and dropped his cold, wet towel.  I took it as my cue to leave.  Ahh!  My poor virgin eyes just had to see the butt cheeks of that son of a female doggy.

            When I came back into the room with a warm, dry towel, Jason was sitting on his bed in his boxers.  He looked so sad.  It was those damn eyes.  As I got closer, I saw he was still sopping wet and was shivering.  His lips were a darker blue.  My motherly instincts kicked into overdrive.  As much as I disliked this child, I could not let him freeze to death.  Over dramatic? Maybe.  Do I really care? No.

            I rubbed Jason down with the towel to dry off.  Now that his body was dry, I grabbed my blow dryer from my red leather make-up bag; I dried his hair and decided to try using the blow dryer on the rest of his body.  It didn’t work.  Then I got an idea.  Sex is a good way to heat up the body due to the increased pace of your heart beat.  Before you start thinking I am going to have sex with Jason, listen to me: I would never get naked with him in a million years.  I grabbed his hands.  Jason had been staring at me emotionlessly the through the whole process so far, hopefully he will keep it that way.  I took his captured hands and put them in his boxers and made him stroke and rub his ‘Henry’.

            He tried to break free from my hands bit that had only made me tighten my grip on his hands.  Though, I did take away one of my hands to move his face to the base of my neck.  The pulsing of my aorta should be enough to have him regain the color in his lips.  His panting sent shivers down my spine.  I held him in this position until he was about to reach his climax.  I grabbed three thick blankets I had knitted when I was younger out of the storage chest the school provided each room.  I wrapped Jason up  snuggly in a blanket cocoon and tucked him in to his bed.  Jason started to regain the natural coloring of his lips and skin.

            I watched as Jason fell asleep.  This had been such a long day.  I undressed, hung up the dress on a hanger, and slid into my own bed.  I’m so going to hell for helping that son of a female doggy.  I think I might even need to wash my brain out with soap and mouth wash.  I cannot believe I got that close to Jason tonight.  I groaned and then fell asleep.

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