the other pizzeria?

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Sorry if i published this twice watt pade beening stupid

Bonnie's P.O.V

Its been a couple days now
Mangle is a emotional reck
The mere mention of foxy will make her break down in to tears
Its bad anough that our home is gone but now we're stuck in some wear house
I sighed heavily
My ears pirked up when we heard the door open
Two men were carrying boxes and droping them off
"Hay did you hear the other pizzeria burnt down"
"Ya two in one night"
"Dam i wounder how the boss is coping"
"Lucky these guys survived"
They opened some boxs revealing....ahh great the toys
Th-wait whos that
They pulled out a slightly damaged blue bunny
"Whats this one called again"
"Oh her shes mary the bunny from the other pizzeria,poor thing we couldn't retrieve her other band members"
"Mike there just robots no feelings they won't even kno-"
The person called 'mike' punched the other guy
The other man stumbled to his feet
"What does the night shift have to do with this"
Mike sighed
"Lets just unload these guys and go"

(Slight time skip)

The finish unpacking the toys and 'mary'
They were all lined up in a row
From left to right were
Toy bonnie,toy chica,toy freddy,the puppets and mary
Wait weres the little guy?
Never mind
I stood up and walked over to mary
Shes disabled
I quickly switched her on
Her leaf green eyes poped open (sorry if there not the right color..p.s. mary isn't my carecter its Shark0015409's )
"Huh w-were am i" she asked
"Hi im bonnie" she looked up at me
"Um..nice to meet you bonnie"
She looked around worried
"Weres the rest of my band?"
I looked down sadly as my ears fell down
I hate telling people that they lost someone they care about and in this case she lost her home and family
"Im sure they'll be here later" i said with a fake smile
"Oh okay" she said cheerfully
I hate lying but i dont want to see more people sad
She was looking around and notice the merianet/puppet(hopefully i spelt that right)
"Who's he?" she asked
"Oh him we call him the puppet,hes much better than the others" i wispered the last part
She noded with out looking away from him
She reached over to hiim as turned him on
"Ahh my head-wait were are we?"
He looked around and noticed me and mery
"Hiya" mery said joyfully
By his facial expression he probably thinking she's cute
I chuckled to myself
"Hay puppet please dont switch on the toys okay?"
He noded
"Mary you to dont switch them on" she noded as well
"Mary...what a beautiful name" the puppet said
Oh boy
I walked back to mangle
She was curled up in a ball i taped her lightly on the shoulder
"Mangle there's some new girl her"
She looked up at me with dark stains on her face
She must have been crying over night
I was about to show her to mary when suddenly a light swallowed the room
Whats going on!

(New carecter,what shall be instore for her and whats with the light
Sorry tv here cept play the same thing over and over 'find out next time' it annoyed me like nothing else
Oh and 'mary' is Shark0015409's carecter :) )

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