my friend

744 15 4

Foxy's P.O.V

I had been resting seeing that i cant move what else was i going to do
But was woken by something going into my arm
Who's there?
"I dOnT hAvE mUcH tImE tO eXpLaIn BeFoRe hE tAkEs OvEr aGaIn"
What thats-
"YoUr fReInDs nEeD yOuR hElP"
I felt myself being lifted up then thrown to the ground
My eyes slowly opened
I could move my hands and legs again
What,who di-springtrap?
He was on his knees holding his head screeming in pain
I struggled to my feet and walked to springtrap
I tryed to reach out and help him but he pushed me back
His head shot up and looked at me
One eye was pitch black with a small white dot the other was his normal gray eyes
Suddenly he spoke but two thing came out as one
"FOXY RUN!" Was springs normal voice
"YOU CANT!" Was a dark and evil like voice
I listened to spring and bolted out the room to look for my freinds but stoped in my tracks
Were am i?

(Sorry for a short chap)

foxy x mangleWhere stories live. Discover now