Remember me?

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Mangles P.O.V

I dont know if he's lying or not but i dont care he's back
I want to tell him that i love him but...what if he really dosent rember
I need to be sure

Foxy's P.O.V

Mangle had walked off a couple minutes ago to 'fetch pizza'
I was siting on the stage looking at those strange animatronics trying to fix the other damaged one
Mangle said the broken ones where called freddie,tex,fox and trap and the ones that are damaged are call freddy,chica,meri and mary but the others cant find her,from what i know she disopered when the others were attacked

Marys P.O.V (its been awile)

I cant move
I cant see
My whole body is numb from its attacks
Why is it doing this to me
Why hasn't anyone come to save me
Do they even care

Golds P.O.V

Bonnie told me that foxy returned but isn't the same,he cant remember anything
Mangle is overjoyed that hes back
The others are still hurt badly
All thanks to me....
Well gold it is your fault you hurt them on purpose
No i was being controlled
Like they believe it,i beat they are just waiting for you to lower your gaurd
No they know the truth
And that would be that you most likely killed them
"Gold whats wrong!?"
I look up crying to see bonnie standing there
He runs over to me and hugs me
"Its okay okay gold...just tell me whats wrong"
"Im sorry"
"For what?"
"For hurting your friends"
"You didn't do it on purpose gold..."
He hugs me even tighter
I hug back

No one's P.O.V

Foxy lays on the stage trying to sleep intel he hears a voice
Remember me foxy?

(Sorry guys i was going to write a longer chap but lost track of time)

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