good memories

599 19 11

Mangles P.O.V

I look up at foxy as we hug
"Foxy what all do you remember?"
"Alot,before and after we died"
He broke the hug and looked at me
"I remember that you really liked me" i blush lightly
"Foxy..what is your best memory?"
He smiled
"Gold,i remember him,he helped me and the others send our last letters to our perents and freinds"


I was sitting in my cove crying into my knees
I really missed my family
My friends at school and vixen
"I just want to see them again,talk to them,let them know im okay.."
I said crying into my knees
Non of this was fair
I will never see them again..i will be stuck here forever
"I can help you" a voice spoke
"Whos there?"
"My name is golden freddy"
I looked up to see a golden bear standing there
"How can you help dead and stuck here forever just like you.."
He chuckled alittle
"My friend that is not completely true"
I look at him confused
"What do you mean?"
"I can take you to your family one last time,you can leave something for them so they know your still there"
He let out his hand
"Come ill take you to them"
I..i can see them again?
I took his hand
"Hold on and close your eyes"
I closed my eyes
"You can look now"
I opened my eyes to see im outside my home
I can feel tears sliping out my eyes
"My home"
I look to the right of my home to see the lights are on
I walk up to the window
Mom is there,dad to and my sister
Mom crying onto my dad,my little sister is crying into here hands
"Mom,dad my little sister im okay im right here...please look this okay" i say crying
Gold put his hand on my shoulder
"They cant see or hear you going to take you up stairs to your sisters room,you can leave a note for her"
I nods sadly
He took us upstairs
Her rooms a mess,broken toys,chairs even glass on the floor
She must really miss me
I look up at gold
"I will let you write..but then we have to go"
I nod
I walk around my sisters room
Shes torn down posters of the pizzeria....i guess she knows what happened there
She left her diary on her bed...pages have been riped out and scattered on the floor
I sit down and take the diary
She never wanted me to read or write in sorry im braking my promise
I grab a pencil and start writing

Hay roxy

Im sorry i never said good bye
Im sorry i wont be there for your birthday
Im sorry i failed to be a good brother
But even though im dead i want you to know i love you,mom and dad
Never give up,dont be sad
Tell mom and dad i love them
Grow up and be strong like i was
Listen to mom and dad
And one last thing,dont leave school,learn and be happy
I love you my little sister

From your dear brother foxy

P.s im sorry i broke my promise of not writing in this


I lay the book down on her bed
"You done?"
He nods
"Can i ask one last thing?"
"Can i come back here?"
"Sadly no..."
I lower my head
"I understand"

(Couple months later)

Im preforming on my little stage as usual,watching as the kids run around laughing and playing
Its been 5 months now since i left that letter
Gold help the others see there family again
Im glad that i atleast got to leave something behind for my family
i look up to the glass door of the entrence
There she is
My little sister
Mom and dad are there to
I stoped preforming
They started walking my way
roxy walk to my stage and looked up at me
I looked down at her trying to hold back my tears
"W-welcom to pirates cove lass,what be your name"
She smiled slightly
"I think you already know foxy"

(End of flashback)

"Every day she would come by and talk to me,mom and dad dident know that she talked with me....but the one day we where moved to a new pizzeria...i never saw her again.."
I feel mangle hugging me tightly
"I hope you see her again"
I smile and hug her back

(Cry?i did)

foxy x mangleWhere stories live. Discover now