Chapter 17:Fight

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Amy's POV.
I woke up to the sounds of bombs going off and I see Diana comforting her younger brother and sister when I could tell they were scared. Something felt off...... Shadow!!! I looked at Diana and she looked at me and did a hush signal and pointed down. I looked down and saw Shadow fighting more robots he was way out numbered some were coming up from behind him and sides but he still kept going. I was about to go down there myself to help but Diana grabbed my shoulder before I could go.
Diana:No don't I tried doing the same but Shadow told the three of us to stay here.
Me:Well one thing is( draw out my piko piko hammer) he didn't tell me.
Before Diana could say something I jumped off and as soon as I landed I was attacking the other robots.
Me:Don't you guys(wack) think(wack) its rude(wack wack wack) to come when(kick) people are trying to rest here!!!!!
One robot grabbed my left arm the other grabbed my right leg. Then after my left got caught. Grrr. I see this other robot had like a tazer like hand before he could shock me I moved my body forward alittle and he shocked the other robot who had my left arm. It gave me a shock but not too painful. I swing my hammer towards the robots who had both of my legs and then I was finally free. I hit the the robot that had my left arm and it broke into pieces. I looked over at Shadow and there were robots coming up from behind him. I threw my hammer and it hit them. Shadow turned around and saw what I did and he smiled at me. I went over to him to help and get my hammer as well. It seemed forever fighting with them we were both tired but we tried to fight them off. Until Shadow and I couldn't handle it anymore. Two robots pinned me down while another gave me a painful electric shock. I screamed soo loud and after they were done I felt so weak. I was starting to give up until........
?????:Grraarrghh I freaking had it...... Shadow and I saw those three kids jump down with weapons which we didn't know they had it with them. Diana had to samurai swords while Kate had a kusarigama and Blake had nunchucks with one spike on one of them. (Yes they have Japanese weapons don't judge) They all started hitting and breaking each robot they see. And instead of them beating each on their own they helped each other in every way and had their each other's backs. Within few minutes Diana wiped the blood from her forehead and stood next to her brother and sister.
Diana:Well looks like we did a nice job, huh guys?
Kate:I say that we did awesome
Blake:Yeah we crushed it!!
Shadow:How and where did you guys learn that from?
Diana: Oh from our parents of course.
Kate: Yeah they taught us when we were about 5.
Blake:Yeah they were karate teachers but they trained us self defense and use weapons but uh.... They aren't here.
I saw he put his ears down. I got up and Shadow too and I picked up his chin.
Me:I'm sure your parents will be proud on all three of you guys.
Blake cheered up and hugged me.
Me:Now let's go and take you guys to the boat.
Everyone cheered and got their things and we all went our way to the boat.

Hey guys I know this one is short but I'm kind running out of ideas but I'm getting their

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