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"Where is my lipstick?"

My mother hissed

"Elouise? Did you take my lipstick?"

I listened to her footsteps walking quietly across the creaky floorboards

"Are you behind the curtains?"

I felt fingers onto the cream ruffle curtains as she pulled them.

"Elouise! What have you done!"

A light pink color was smeared across my face, as well as my fingers and on my expensive white coat my father got me for Christmas.

"I want to be as pretty as you, mommy." I frowned

She snatched the ruined lipstick from me and grabbed some tissues to clean my face

"My goodness its on your coat. You should know better not to steal your mother's makeup, darling."

"Im sorry." I put my hands inside my coat pockets feeling the warmth of the fur

I have no clue what makeup is. I just want to be pretty. Like how mommy always uses a pink lipstick. She has lots of those.

"Oh my its already a quarter until ten, hurry up and wear your boots Elouise were going to be late."

I ran to the coat rack in front of the door and wore my winter boots and grabbed the umbrella. Mommy always forgets the umbrella.

We walked on the rainy streets of London. I looked around at the pastry and antique shops, just around the corner of our little apartment.

"Taxi! Taxi!"

My mother yelled and eventually a little yellow taxi stopped right infront of us.

"Little ladies first." she told me as she opened the door to the taxi

The taxi man greeted us as we both put on our seatbelts. My mother placed her louis vuitton bag on her lap and took out her wallet.

"Where might you two ladies be going this early in the morning?" The taxi man asked

The weather in London has been a bit cold this past week. Once in a while my mother takes me to her favourite clothing shop. This time I wanted some new mittens.

"Silk Corner, just a couple minutes from here." My mother addressed

"Five euros miss."

My mother handed him the money

We stayed silent. I listened to the rain drops tapping against my window and the beeping horns of other cars.

It was not long before we arrived in Silk Corner. I hopped out of the taxi and noticed my reflection in the puddles of water. My mother held my hand and we both walked into a boutique.

"Miss Selfridge!" an old lady named Miss Caboodle hugged my mother and smiled

I have known Miss Caboodle since I was a baby. She acts as if she was my own grandma. She had white hair and little wrinkles that appeared whenever she smiled. I noticed she wore such beautiful white pearl earrings.

"Oh my, i love your earrings." My mother complimented her

"Why thank you I found them in a jewelry box while i was cleaning," She babbled on, "I see you have brought Elouise."

"Its a pleasure to see you." I did a little curtsey to impress her

"Isnt she a lovely child?" Miss Caboodle laughed lightly which faded suddenly

"Is everything okay?" I asked

"Not really. I found a little kitten." she pointed to the far corner of the boutique revealing a white kitten sleeping on some rags.

"And im too old to be taking care of it, but i cant just let him out in the rain." She walked over to it and picked him up, cradling him like a baby

My mother looked at me. I knew she felt guilty, that Miss Caboodle was implying that we should adopt it.

"Pretty please?" I whispered to my mom

"Elouise, you know we dont have any room for a cat." My mother folded her arms

"Pleaseeeee with sprinkles on top?" I begged with a pouty face

"On top of?" My mother smirked

"A cupcake!" I giggled

"What kind of cupcake?" She tested me

"A pink cupcake! With a lotta sprinkles." I stood on my tippie toes

"You promise to take care of him?" My mother asked

"Pinky." I held up my pinky as my mother locked it with hers

"You both are angels! What would you like to name him little one?" She asked me

"Hmmm... i like Theodore." I pointed out as the kitten purred

"Thats a lovely name." My mother agreeded

"Why, we are not done! Every kitten needs a dress." Miss Caboodle winked at me as I giggled

"Kittens wear dresses?" I asked curiously

"Well of course they do!" She picked out a tiny pink dress from a clothing rack. It fit the kitten perfectly.

"You see, as long as theres pink in the world it will always be a better place." She gently let me hold the kitten as my mother and I walked out the door.

The mittens didnt matter anymore. My mother let me keep a kitten that would have ended up homeless. Theodore was officially in our family.

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