Chapter 3

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How do fashion designers begin their daily routine this early in the morning? Now would be the perfect time for a cup of coffee but sadly the shop doesnt open until a few more hours.

"Selfridge! Now is not the time to take a nap," Mrs. Aguillon spoke and signaled me to follow her, "I have a job for you."

I rubbed my eyes, "What is it?"

"As you know, you are a hand sewer. Here is a list of sewing tasks you need to complete." She took out a peice of blue paper from her folder and handed it to me

"Oh and also," she continued, "I have given you a little workspace."

This Fashion Institute is divided into small rooms with glass windows. It makes the area look very clean, and Mrs. Aguillon pointed at an empty room which appeared to be mine.

The floors were birchwood, and there was a desk with a spinning chair and sewing machine. Smiling, I turned around to face her and she handed me a very heavy bin of buttons.

"Begin with your tasks!" She sang and quickly left

The first thing on the list was to arrange buttons by color. Was she kidding? I would be retired by the time I'd finish.

The sooner I get done the better chance I have to impress her and hopefully, maybe, possibly get a promotion? I'm worth more than this.

I stepped into my workspace and got started.


"Rough day?" The coffee guy handed me the peppermint latte I ordered

"Awful. Je suis si fatigué." I frowned

"Did you forget I dont speak french?" He smirked

"Ive split apart so many buttons it feels like I could taste colors." I said with an unhappy tone in my voice and took a sip of my latte

"What were you doing?" He asked curiously

I took a deep breath, "I had to sit for nine hours straight arranging buttons to match their color, and pattern."

"Why?" He asked another question

"I was accepted into a Fashion Institute, but now im put in a unprofessional, sloppy position that just measures fabrics and sews button holes," I whined, "Why am I telling you all of this I dont even know your name."

"Astor." He smiled

"What, no last name?" I grinned

"Caboodle. I know, I know its a really girly lastname hehe." He awkwardly iched the back of his neck

"No, not at all. Well, kinda. I'm Madamoiselle Elouise Selfridge." I batted my eyelashes

"Is everyone is London so, whats the word? Fancy?" He wondered

"Not that I know of, I most certainly learned to be classy from my mother." I responded

"Can I call you Elle?"



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2015 ⏰

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