Chapter 1

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"Does this skirt look nice on me?" I asked Theodore as I twirled around infront of my mirror

The white furry cat that lay on my bed purred in response and began licking its paws.

You wouldnt believe how many pennies I threw in the fountains when I was a child, wishing he could communicate with me. Maybe then I wont be so lonely.

I looked back at what I was wearing. Peter Pan collar creme blouse with a reddish brown polka-dotted skirt.

Believe it or not, I actually sewed this skirt and added in the polka dots. I really like to design my own clothing, and in just a few hours I will be having a nice conversation with the head of the Fashion Institute in London.

I made sure not to overdose on the sugar in my tea this morning, for as I may be a bit too hyper and I wouldnt want anything to go wrong. Fingers crossed they accept me.

"Be good while im gone." I kissed the top of Theodores forehead

London has been a bit chilly. It reminded me of my past, when I was seven. My childhood was quite interesting. I remember going to a lot of shops and meeting such geniunely nice people.

I shut my door and walked onto the sidewalk and waited for a taxi.

"Taxi!" I yelled as a yellow cab stopped as I hopped in

My mother would yell taxi every morning and sometimes, the taxi drivers would ignore her, drive by and splash her with the gutter water.

"Ah, mademoiselle where might a lady like you be going today?" The taxi man smiled and looked at me through the rear view mirror.

"Fifth street for some coffee." I responded and handed him a fiver

"Excellent." he winked and accepted the cash

I began to get lost in my thoughts. If all went well with this interview, I might be putting my sowing skills in good use. My mother taught me how to sow, and since then I've bought a ton of patterns and buttons and made my own dresses.

The taxi stopped at the corner of the sidewalk as I hopped out and made my way into the coffee shop.

The sound of small talk filled the air as well as the smell of coffee beans and vanilla.

"Ordering something, miss?" a guy behind the pastry counter asked me with an eyebrow raised and small smirk

Ugh, I got lost into my thoughts again. Today is not the day. I have to be full in focus and a strong cup of coffee should do the trick.

"Umm can I have a small hazelnut mocha with a chocolate filled croissant please."

"Coming right up." he smiled and wrote down my order on a paper and pinned it on a string

My phone began to buzz.

"Madamoiselle Elouise." I spoke

"Ah yes, plaisir de parler avec vous, pleasure to speak with you."

"Oh my Adeline! Bonjour, I have missed you more than you could ever imagine." I squealed a bit quietly to not disturb the coffee lovers in this shop

"I missed you too! You see, i might be staying in New York longer than I expected," she babbled on, "do you remember that modeling oppertunity I had?"

"Of course I remember." It was one of the many reasons Adeline left a few months ago.

My croissant and coffee was ready so I quickly paid and grabbed my breakfast.

"Does that sound good?" She had a bit of a happily nervous tone in her voice

I guess I was too busy paying for my order to hear what she said. Woops.

"Oui oui, it does. Listen, I dont want to be late for my interview." I said with croissant in my mouth

"Of course, umm call me when you can." she ended the call

   Hello my beautiful readers! I am truly sorry I havent updated in quite a while, but my first chapter is finally up and I really hope you all love it 💕 I worked really hard on it and I'll try to get another chapter along this week. Make sure to vote and comment your thoughts! Oh and for those of you who are confused, Elouise is played by Gabriella Demartino and Adeline is played by her best friend, Allie who is also her bestfriend in the story. Tata for now 💋

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