Chapter 2

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"I received your application, Selfridge, and I am truly impressed." Mrs. Aguillon complimented me

She was wearing a tan chiffon blouse with a diamond brooch pinned to the side of her hair which was in a french twist. Her lips were a plum color and she looked very professional.

"Why merci, thank you." I politely thanked her as I placed my portfolio on the chestnut painted desk for her to look at.

"You dont think I would take a peek at your designs, would you? Sweetheart, lets begin with the interview questions." She laughed quietly

I began to feel a bit embarressed, but I tried to ignore the feeling. I watched her as she got out a triple gel pen and small notepad

"What made you decide to purse your career in fashion?" she asked

I took a deep breath, "For my tenth birthday my mother bought me a sowing machine and a ton of fabric. I spent all of my free time making dresses and bows. Ive learned basic sowing skills."

she wrote down my answer and after a few minutes she asked another, "Are you comfortable working with others and how do you cope with stress?"

"I am comfortable working with others, and if Im stressed out I usually make a list of what I need to get done and that keeps me organized." I responded

"Hmm," she licked her pen and continued writing down notes, "I have a spot for you."

"You do?" I widened my eyes

"From now on, your role is a hand sewer. Im sure we'll need someone like you." She smiled

A hand sewer? Is this lady joking? From my ten years of practice, this is what it has to offer?

"I will see you tomorrow at six sharp, but make sure that chocolate stain isnt still around your mouth." She closed her notebook and laughed lightly


"This is preposterous!" I fell onto my comfy bed and placed the pillow on my face

Mrs. Aguillon probably thinks im an amateur by now. Why would I order that croissant and not notice the chocolate stains on my mouth the whole interview? Handing her my portfolio thinking she would actually take the time to look through it, what was I thinking?

Theodore hopped ontop of my bed and licked the chocolate off my face

"Is it even worth going?" I asked him, but his only response was a purr

I was about to say something but I was interrupted by a knock on the door. I ran to open it and in my surprise, it was the guy from the coffee shop.

"What is with the ruckus?" He asked

"Oh my, je suis désolé." I apologized

"I dont speak french." He put his hands in his pockets

"Which is why you live in London?" I raised my eyebrow

"Actually, I just moved into the floor below you." He corrected me

"Hmm welcome to London." I quickly said before closing the door in his face

"Gee, thanks!" I herd him sarcastically yell from the other side of the door

I had to admit, that was pretty harsh, even for me. I'm normally a sweetheart. I blame Mrs. Aguillon.

What did you guys think of Mrs. Aguillon? Do you think Elouise will take whatever she can offer, or quit? How bout the coffee shop boy? Comment your thoughts, and tata for now 💋

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