Chapter 3

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Author's Note:

Comment in my conversations, #A.C.A. What do you guys think about the book so far? I hope you guys like it! If you do, share my book, A.C.A, with friends. ;) Peace, guys!


Thea cleans the frames for the pictures in the hallways for about an hour before Katherine comes and checks on her. "Good, you're almost done with this wing. When your done go to the other but, don't disturb any of the people other than maids. I will find you and send you to dinner when it's ready," Katherine says, and heads down the hallway. She seems like she was in a rush.

After Thea is done with the last one she exits the only wing she has walked in. The first time she came here she couldn't explore the other side of the mansion, but now she is going there right now. Thea turns a couple corners she thought that lead to the foyer and grand stairs. Well, it turns out she finds herself lost. She turns back a corner and accidentally slips on a rag she must have dropped. Her butt hits hard on the floor. "Ouch, that must have hurt," a familiar voice says, making fun of her. Thea looks up and sees Jocelyn. Jocelyn! Her best friend! How did she end up here? Thea thought that it was a market guy she was sold to.

"Long time, no see," Thea says with a playful smirk. "Now are you gonna help your best friend up or what?" They both laugh.

"When will you ever learn how to not be so clumsy?" Jocelyn says.


Once Thea tells Jocelyn where she is supposed to be going, Jocelyn leads her around another corner and then into a larger room.  Here, must be where all the maids hang out. Everyone of them are wearing the same thing as her and her best friend.  She notices Jocelyn was not by her side anymore. She searches around the huge tabled and lounged room. She sees a flicker of auburn hair go into a dark corner and follows her. Jocelyn comes out of the corner as soon as Thea gets to her.

"Sorry, I thought you were right behind me. Follow me, Tea," Jocelyn says to her with a bright smile. "You are going to love this way," Her green eyes bubble as she turns around. Jocelyn opens a door in the corner. They go down the dark stairway. She opens up another door and the whole space lightens up. They both saw a whole painting of royal history all around the domed shaped room. Thea looks up at the bright blue painted sky above her. Then looks down to the perfectly meadow grass painted on the perimeter of the room. On the wall across from them was the center piece. A beautiful castle was painted. This is amazing. It looks some what familiar to Thea. The first thought that comes to Thea's head is, - who did this and when?

"The queen of Germany painted this about twenty years ago. She even signed her name on the floor after. She was full of joy because she was going to give birth to a baby. She expressed herself by painting. After the baby was born she brought her into to this room a lot," Jocelyn says with sorrow. Thea imagines it all.

"Those hallways used to be part of the castle before it was destroyed, this is what's left of it. This was the place almost nobody knew about, the place with the most peace. One day, before the castle was intruded, she wrote a letter to whoever might find it in the future. She demanded everything to stay clean and hidden from the world. She also told about how the castle was in danger and how they were going to catch the train for the next day to a better place. The maids have been keeping it clean ever since they discovered it. Only a couple of them know," She added. Thea looks stunned and confused.

"Where is the queen now?" She asks. "Did they all make it to the train?"

"The only one that didn't, was their lost, little, princess, Adele. The queen died two years ago, with the hope of seeing her daughter again. They never found her. The king went into deep depression and has never went out of his castle after his wife died," Jocelyn says, telling the terrible story and sighs. Thea sees a painting by the door of the royal family. The queen looked beautiful and golden, with her color of hair and soft green eyes. Her smile made her look like the happiest person in the world. Same for the king, he had hazel brown eyes and dark hair. He looked strong and manly. Thea converts her gaze on the missing princess. Adele looked about the age of six years old. They all had crowns on. They looked so familiar to Thea, it was crazy. She stumbles as they make their way across the floor and to the other side of the room. Jocelyn turns a knob and then opens the small portion of the wall. Then it's dark again. They walk to the other door at the end of the short passage way.

"We have to be very quiet," Jocelyn says, with a finger over her mouth. She nods saying she understands. Jocelyn opens the door and then walks into the mansion again. She finds herself in the other wing.

"Now wasn't that something," Thea says, looking at Jocelyn.

"Ha, I will see you later at dinner. I'm sure you got it from here," Jocelyn turns around and leaves. Thea turns and walks towards the first frame she sees.


What a day it has been. She cleaned a lot of frames, and some didn't even need cleaning. When she is just about to head to the passage way when she hears someone talking. "She looks like her. Her eyes, her nose, mouth, hair, everything. It's crazy, we haven't had a lead on it since two years ago." Confused, Thea wonders who the man is talking about. She also wonders who the man is. She rounds the corner she was hiding in and makes a break for the passage door. Before she makes it there she bumps into the man who happens to be Dennis.

"Ouch," they both say at the same time.

"Sorry, I was in a rush," Thea says quickly to explain why she was practically running in the hall.

"I see," he says with a smirk. "Were you in a rush to bump into me?" He says jokingly. They both laugh.

"No,I was in a rush to go somewhere," She says realizing they were too close and backs away a little. He then turns side ways and let's her pass with that smirk placed on his face again.  She blushes and makes her way to the passage. She opens the bright room she cleans the frame for the royal family picture. She looks at the missing little girl. She seems so  familiar. She had brown hair and brownish eyes with a blue dress on.

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