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Bella's pov

I walked into the living room to find Renesmee sitting on Emmett' s lap while watching a football game. Renesmee looked over at me and smiled. She then reached out to me, squeezing her tiny hands into fists twice real quick.

I walked over to her and took her off Emmett lap. "Hey! We were having some bonding time!" Emmett said, finally looking up at me.

"You watching a football game while Renesmee stares off into space doesn't count as 'bonding time'!" I said, making quotatioin marks around 'bonding time'. I heard Edward in a room upstairs chuckle.

"Shut up, Eddie." Emmett called up stairs. Edward growled.

"I told you NOT to call me that!" Edward growled, coming down the staircase inhumanly fast. He stopped right in front of Emmett's face. Emmett was looking down at Edward, smirking.

"Oh yeah? And what are you going to do about it?" Emmett asked, cockily. Edward growled again, then grabbed at Emmett knocking him down.

This is exactly what Emmett wanted. Some action. It looked like Emmett was winning. Of course he is, I said to myself.

Renesmee brought her hand up to cheek. In my head, I could see the images of Edward and Emmett wrestling. She thought this was funny and exciting.

Me and Renesmee just leaned against the wall and watched the show.

Finally, Alice and Jasper came down the stairs. Inhumanly fast, of course.

"What's going on?" Alice asked, pointing to the fight in the middle of the living room. Jasper looked over at the two of them there, still going at it, laughing, thinking it was funny just like Renesmee. I just thought it was irritating. They did this every other week.

"Emmett called Edward 'Eddie' and then it all went down hill from there." I said, rolling my eyes at Renesmee and Jasper's laughter as Edward finally got the upper hand and threw Emmett against the oppisite wall.

Alice just nodded at my answer. She watched for a few more seconds then started to walk away.

When she got to the bottom step of the stairs she turned and looked at Jasper, who was completly focused on the fight. She then looked over at me giving me a look that said that I needed to stop Edward and Emmett. I just nodded.

I handed Renesmee over to Jasper, who was fine with it because she was enjoying this just as much as him. I then walked over to the fight.

"Okay! That's enough!" I shouted at the two of them.

They must not have heard me, because once again Edward slammed Emmett into the wall.

"Break it up!" I shouted again, only louder. I know they can hear me, I thought.

I walked over to Emmett who had Edward pinned to the ground, and shoved him off. I then picked Edward up by his shirt and stood him up. Emmett jumped up from he had landed when I pushed him off.

Edward started to curl up into attack mode, but I took a step over and then stood right in front of him.

He glanced down at me, then looked back up at Emmett.

"Don't even think about it." I growled at Edward. That sure did make him pay attention to me.

"Sorry." Edward said looking a me.

"Don't tell that to me. Tell it to Emmett." I said, jerking my chin in Emmett's direction. "Even though he wanted that fight." I muttered to myself, knowing both of them could hear me.

That made everyone in the room laugh. Except me, of course.

Edward walked over to Emmett, said sorry, then did that weird brother hug thing. Emmett looked over at me.

"Better?" Emmett asked. He chuckled as I rolled my eyes.

Edward walked over and kissed the top of my head. "Sorry." He whispered in my ear. He kissed my cheek and made a trail of kissed down my throat and back up again.

I pushed him off of me and glared at him.

"Oh no. That is so not working this time." I said. That's how he always got away with things when he did somthing like this.

Emmett whistled and said, "Edward's in trouble now."

I looked over at him, smiling. "So are you. Just wait until Rosalie gets back and hears about this." I said, my smile getting bigger. Boy, did that wipe off his smirk.

Just then, Jacob, Rosalie, Carlisle, and Esme ran into the room. Carlisle looked over at me and Edward, then nodded. I looked over at Edward and watched as his smiling face turned int confusion.

"I smelled someone on my trail." Jacob said for Renesmee, Emmett, Jasper

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