Chapter 20

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"Sakura we love you." my parents smiled at me.

"I love you too." I walked into a doctor's office. I squeezed my doll that looked like me.

"Hello Sakura." a man in a white coat greeted me.

"Hello Hatori." I sat on a stool.

"You're ready?" he asked. I nodded. "Close your eyes."

I did. He's hand coved my face. There was a flash of light. I dropped my doll as Ritsu walked past.

"Sakura!" a voice said. I opened my eyes. It was Hatori. I was in a bed.

"What happened?" I rubbed my head.

"You blacked out." Kyo said. Yuki was next to him and nodded.

"Where is-" I didn't get to finish.

"Ayane left and Ritu is about to leave." Yuki answer. I felt something in my arms. It was the doll. I jumped out of bed, run down stairs and as Ritsu was about to step out of the door. I came rushing at him and hugged him.

"Thank you." a tear run down my cheek. He hesitated, then hugged back.

"You're welcome." he said. I pulled away. He waved goodbye and was off. I went back up stairs. Ha toward packing his black doctor's bag.

"Hatori?" I asked. He looked up from his bag. "Did you know me when I was littler, you know before I meet you?"


"Do you know why I can't remember anything when I was littler?" I asked.


"Please tell me, I need to know." I begged. "If I don't, it's going to eat me alive."

He sighed.

"When you were little your family lived at the main house. No one know about you and that you were part of the cures. Akito wanted to keep it like that. Our parents didn't like Akito running their life. They wanted to get away, but there was something holding them back." he explained.

"Me." I said.

"Yes, they didn't know about the curse. They asked me to erase your memories of the main house. Thinking it would block the curse and it work, but you got a mark on the back of your neck, a shape of a cat. After I erased your memories, your family run away and chafed their last name."

"But how did I turn into a leopard?" I asked.

"The bad thing about blocking the curse was that if you were around any the Sohma family members, you're mark would start to hurt and the curse will be switched on. That's why Kyo didn't turn into a cat, because you were lifelong with them. Then you went back to the main house and Akito must of have recognized you. He gave you a tea that turned on the fill curse." he finished. Everything made sentences, but why I did my family move to London with out me?

"What Ayane said my father..." I had to ask.

"No, your father didn't marry Ayane's mother. Ayane love attention." he answered.

"Thank you." I said. He nodded. He grabbed his bag and headed out. There was one last thing I had to do. I dialed the number that I dialed so many times. I put the phone to my ear and waited. On the third ring someone asked.


"Hi, mom."

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