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Don't you dare roll your eyes at me again.
I sound like a parent, yet I actually was thinking those words to someone.
I've had a rough day. Yes, I do say this to complain. Just ignore me if you feel like it. But I've been having some fights with some people and  I've been having some trouble just getting through the day without dark thoughts directed at myself. If I'm scaring you, you should just stop now and I won't take offense.
The truth is that I don't know what to do with my life. I have a dream, but I'm afraid it's crazy. The only thing is that it is probably the only thing that is going to keep me alive for the next couple of months. I can't be specific, so I'm sorry that I'm talking so cryptically. It has to do with... me. And everything about me. Not to sound selfish or anything, but don't I have to have at least one thing for myself? I would like to dedicate my whole life to others and expect and demand nothing in return because I think that that is the kindest way to live life, but is it wrong to want just one thing for myself? Given, it is a pretty big dream. Perhaps I try to be as nice as possible to compensate for the dream I want to achieve, but the truth is that if I achieve this, I will be helping many people ultimately.
Please comment: If you have a dream, what is it? How can you achieve it? Is there something or someone in the way, and if so, what? How can you overcome it? Will the dream that you achieve be beneficial to yourself and others immediately or in the long run?
When you guys answer these questions, it helps me. It really does. So if you please, answer my questions. I really need some help right now because I'm so lost. And please tell your friends. It's not for publicity, so they don't have to follow me or anything, they can even just answer through your account if they don't have Wattpad. All I really want is as many people as possible to answer these questions to help both me and anyone who reads your comment after you post it, and maybe even yourself. Thank you all.

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