Things Aren't As They Seem.....

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Stefan P.O.V

Over the last 5 days we have all been coming to term with two things. One being Elena is now a vampire and the second that Siena is somehow pregnant with Damon baby. It a lot to take in it was an emotional roller coast for all of us. Elena seem to be taking on the animal diet on well. I had been taking her hunting she seemed to be picking it up pretty quick. I knew Elena could do this I knew she would be strong enough to fight her craving for human blood. That's the different between Elena and all of us she had the drive not to go off the edge.

When Damon dropped the bomb shell of Siena being pregnant with his child it stunned me. As it was never possible for a vampire to procreate. Well I say not possible Julian was Siena father who was an original vampire. His mother had put a spell on him so the Garcia family bloodline will continue. With Siena being a dimidium sanguinis and having this unusual bloodline I guess it made it all possible. Who would of thought after a century and half I'll becoming an uncle and Damon a father. I don't think it had all sunk in for Damon what was going to happen. I could see the fear in his eyes of the possibility them both losing the baby. He had spent a lot of time down the hospital being by Siena side. Siena hospital room was filled with dozens and dozens of flowers and cards. She had constant visit from everyone as we all wanted to make sure that she was getting better. Elena spent a lot of time down there with her even though Damon was against it at first. But like always Elena proved him wrong. Which I found impressive because with all the temptation there Elena never broke.

Siena had got discharged from the hospital last night and brought back to the boarding house. When she came home she looked like the Siena we all knew full of life and smile. Not the girl we had seen a few days ago who was barely with us. She defiantly didn't like all of us fussing over her she did snap a few at Elena and also Damon. I think that was down to the hormones her body going through changes. I could sympathise with her I'm assuming it like when we going through transition. That certain emotions are heighten for her and I think we all needed to understand that.

I decided today to bring Elena hunting. We had woken up early and it was a beautiful day so why not spend it with the girl I love, and help her with her hunting techniques. We had gone down to a nice part of the woods that I knew of. I laid a blanket down on the floor we both laid on it and Elena cuddle up to me. This was all perfect I never thought I would have her in my arms like this again. Not after her confusion of her feeling towards Damon. She finally wanted to give us another go. I know I had the same problem as her with my strong feeling towards Siena. I knew nothing would ever become of me and her. Siena was drawn to Damon and he was drawn to her too they were like magnet they couldn't be torn apart. No matter what the world threw at them both. Elena had fallen asleep with her head resting on my chest, she wakes up, looks at me and smiles.

"Hi" she said sweetly, I smiled at her I couldn't believe after everything she was here in my arms.

"Hi" I responded to her, I don't know why Damon thinks that none of this wasn't working for Elena; she was taking this all on so well.

This morning I was packing up stuff for a camping trip in the woods. Damon was in the room with me he poured himself a drink I looked over at him. He looked like he hadn't slept too much I think with Siena being home he worried that something might happen.

"You're making a big mistake" He told me then taken a sip of his scotch. Elena been doing fine why is he being negative.

"No, I'm not. Elena been getting used to animal blood now she doing well" I told him firmly, he shook his head.

"You're reaching" He told me firmly. I know he going through a lot at the moment but he don't need to be talking like this.

'The Eternal Flame' Damon Salvatore Love Story Part Of 'Epic Love Saga'Where stories live. Discover now