Is It A Little Too Late.....

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Damon P.O.V

It really felt good to have Siena back but it seemed like something had changed about her. I mean she was still the same Siena in ways but it felt like she wasn't all here like her mind was somewhere else not here with us. When she left Stefan and I to deal with Elena and admitting that she had given up on her once and for all. That she 'mourned' over the death of her sister I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Siena just walked away I never thought she would actually walk away from her own sister and truly give up even with everything that had happened. I can't recall she never gave up on her. After a few hours of torching Elena which didn't do much at all I questioned Siena of her motives, and from her response it wasn't an act she really did give up on Elena. I don't know what happened while being away with Klaus but something had Siena behaving like this. I wanted to tell her I knew that she went away with him but I knew that may cause an argument right now I don't want do or say anything that may drive Siena away.

Stefan and I had very long discussion about what we were going to about all of this Stefan felt we had to just continue the road we were going down to try and bring Elena back. But days were going by and we had no luck yet I know my brother loves Elena and he was talking about walking away from her before but I can't see him doing that now. Not after what we both witness if and when Elena get her humanity back she going to have to deal with all those emotions alone. Siena has stated that she literally washed her hands with her. What Elena needs more than ever when she finally turns that switch back on is her big sister, but I can understand why Siena has given up the battle after everything she just thrown in the towel. I'm just hoping it's a temporary glitch in their relationship.

I was down in the basement it was my turn to torcher Elena and I had a little idea and I'm hoping it will work, as much as I wanted to kick the crap out of Elena. I couldn't purely for the fact she was Siena sister and part me is still keeping hold of the memory of the girl we all used to know.

Elena arrives at school and walks among a crowd of high school students outside. Caroline, Bonnie, and Matt meet her.

"Elena, you're here. I got valedictorian! You can help me write my speech" Caroline said while walking next to her, I think I'm pulling off Caroline pretty well that would be something she would of come out with.

"Pass" Elena told her flatly, well look like I have bring out annoying Caroline.

"Come on, we're graduating this year, this is it! We need to soak up every second before-"Elena comes to a halt and cut Caroline off.

"Wait. Something's not right. I don't want to be here" Elena said then I appeared behind her, look like I'm not fooling her too well.

"What is wrong with you? Don't you wanna be with your friends? Graduation parties, caps, gowns, you know the drill" Elena rolls her eyes.

"What is this..." She looks around - all of the students in the schoolyard have disappeared "We're not really here, are we? We're in my head" she said looking at me sceptically, well Elena clued up today considering she been starving herself for days.

"Relax I just wanted to show you all of the things that you've been missing out on since you took the giant leap over the cuckoo's nest" I told her calmly then Elena drops her bag.

"The last thing I remember..." she spoke with confusion, I think I need to recipe little Miss I don't want my humanity back.

"Let me guess: prom? Beautiful dress, gorgeous hair, you trying to murder Bonnie? Then your sister went all murderous on you" I told her with a smile and Elena looked at me not amused "It's a good thing Stefan and I was there to take care of you" she looked at me a little confused then she began to frown

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