Trying To Get Back In Control.....

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Siena P.O.V

I can't believe it come to this that I had to leave my son behind with Nic not that it was a bad thing. It's the fact I couldn't even leave Nico with Stefan and Damon while they tried to figure out what to do with psychotic bitch Elena. I know Nic and I had left on bad terms before I had gone on the island but I knew in deep down that he wouldn't turn his back on me when I need him at a desperate time. I needed tried to figure out a way to control myself I could feel something inside me changing like slowly the person who I'm was slowly fading away. I knew of one person who could help me and that was Tia Dalma and the address she gave me was a New York address. I knew exactly where she was all I needed to do is get a flight there talk to her about all I should be back in a day or two. I'm hoping she will be able to help me with whatever going on with me. I know I was turning 21 in four months and some major thing meant to happen but I felt like it was happening sooner.

I began to drive myself to the airport all that went through my mind was that Damon going to flip out when he finds out I left Nico with Nic. I'll have to deal with that when I come back. I know Damon wouldn't let any harm come to Nico and with what I told Stefan before I left the house I'm pretty sure Damon going to be pissed at Elena. Maybe he will understand why I asked Nic to look after Nico. After nearly a three hour drive I had finally arrived at the airport I drove into the parking lot and parked up. I got out of the car and grabbed my bag from the trunk I turned around and screamed when I saw Julian standing behind me.

"I'm sorry Siena I didn't mean to startle you" How the hell did he know I was even here?

"You scared the crap out of me" I held my hand over my heart "What are you doing here? And how did you even know I was here?" He looked at with worry in his eyes.

"Siena I always look out for you. even though I don't fiscally show myself. I'm always nearby to make sure you're ok" It was kind of sweet but creepy at the same time "You worried me today Siena your losing control" Yeah I know I was losing it that why I'm going to get help.

"Well I know that. That's why I'm going to New York to visit a witch I know that will help me" He placed his hand on my shoulder.

"You don't need to see her Siena you need to see Bonnie" What the hell Bonnie going to do "sweetheart listen to me you need to go back to Mystic falls you're not thinking straight" I looked away from him then he place his hand on either side of my face "Siena you need to go home, Nico there and the only person who can help you right now. Is Bonnie it's the expression that causing you to lose control you both need to complete the triangle before it too late for you" I really didn't know what to do anymore Julian was right. What kind of mom I'm to abandon her son? Maybe his right about the expression is the reason why I'm being like this.

"Okay Julian I'll go back, but if complete the triangle will I be back to my old self?" That what I wanted to know more than ever, he smiled at me.

"I would never put your life in danger Siena but if you leave this any longer I really don't know what will happen to you. I know I haven't been a real father to you but I'm trying here to protect you" He spoke to me with reassurance "Go home Siena talk to Bonnie and Shane and they will help you. I promise" I nodded I knew deep down Julian was looking out for me and thinking of my best interest. I really weren't thinking straight and I dumped Nico on Nic he didn't have a clue about looking after a baby. But he still took on that responsibility of looking after my son. That is a person who I need to cherish having in my life no matter what up's and downs we have we always forgive and forget and are there for each other.

Damon P.O.V

I had brought Elena to New York for two reason one being my friend Will had a bar here and I needed to find out more information about why he was working for Katherine. Two I need to take Elena away from Mystic Falls before Elena killed Siena or Siena killed her. Elena was pretty happy last night when I told her about our little road trip. I think 'little miss I do want I want' thinks I'm on her side and that what I needed right now. Because when I get that cure it won't be Siena cramming it down her throat it will be me. The whole time I've been with Elena since what she did to Siena last night I've been remaining calm from killing her, and believe me it a lot heard than I thought. If I flip out at her I'll lose her and she pull a Katherine and disappear.

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