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Summary: Sam volunteers to be a model for an art class.

Sam stood in front of the crowd of easels and artists, rethinking why the hell he thought this was a good idea. Coming to a college art class and volunteering to be a naked model? Not Sam's smartest idea.

He tightened the robe around him, feeling very self conscious as he waited for the rest of the students to finish setting up before actually posing.

After a minute or so, the professor that was supervising the class' works signaled Sam to go ahead and sit in the center so the students could begin. He hesitantly untied the strap along his waist, and shrugged the robe off of his shoulders, letting it drop to the floor. Feeling his cheeks getting hotter than they already were, he strides to the small platform in the center of the room and sits on it, trying to look at least somewhat attractive for the artists. He felt vulnerable and exposed and he couldn't believe he was doi-

"HOLY MOTHER-!" screeched a voice from the back of the room, and a sound that resembled a chair, and it's occupant, falling to the ground.

Sam jumped up, startled at the person's reaction, and quickly put the robe back on while the students surrounding the one that had fallen checked to make sure they were okay.

"I'm fine, I'm fine" Sam heard the same voice say, sounding like a guy's. "He just startled me, that's all. I didn't expect someone so..." the man trailed off and let out a sigh.

"Was I not attractive enough?" Sam whimpered, causing the whole room to fall quiet. He knew that being attractive wasn't a big deal for the model in this project, but thinking about someone being that surprised really worried him. Especially someone Sam found so attractive.

The man looked like a deer caught in the headlights, unable to mcr or even say anything.

Sam felt tears spring to his eyes and he walked out of the room, saying he needed a little break.

He slid down the wall outside the classroom's door and sat there, pouting. He knew he had to go back eventually, but for now he just wanted to sulk in a sea of self pity and overreaction.

After a few more minutes of sitting there, Sam heard the door quietly squeak open. He didn't bother to look up, he didn't know anyone in the class in the first place.

"Excuse me?" chimed a quiet voice, the little pat pat of footsteps getting closer.

Sam raised his head to be met with the same guy as before, the one with the golden hair and even more so golden eyes.

"What." he mumbled, bringing out the angsty teen in him.

"I wanted to apologize."

Sam looked anywhere but Gabriel, still uncomfortable because he was in only a robe, and also because he was being a little pouty brat and he knew it.

"I didn't mean to offend you. When I fell, it was more out of shock that you're so attractive, rather than the opposite. I mean, look at you, you're like a Greek god or something!" the man explained.

Sam felt his cheeks stain pink, and he looked up to see the guy inches away from him, looking right into Sam's eyes. "Hi." Sam whispered breathlessly. "I'm Sam."

The guy chuckled and lowered his volume to match Sam's, "I'm Gabriel." he whispered back.

"We should probably get I can do the modeling and stuff." Sam said, looking down at the tile he was sitting on. Gabriel nodded his head and held a hand out for Sam to take, lifting him up off the ground.

"Maybe you can do a little modeling for private." Gabriel whispered, letting a mischievous smirk play on his lips.

Sam absentmindedly nodded, in some sort of trance from this man.

With that, Gabriel turned around and headed into the classroom, a little bit of a bounce to his step.
oh look another update, I got this idea from a textpost btw

also, just so you guys know, I usually write on my phone, so I apologize for any errors in my writing.

anyways, what did you guys think of that one? I liked the idea of it, but idk if I like the way I wrote it

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