Secret Admirer

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Summary: The title makes it obvious. Also Sam is a dense mother fucker.

Sam's face showed disgust as he, once again, threw away the candy and paper the student before him always seemed to leave on his desk. It was absolutely ridiculous, leaving all of it on the desk and not bothering to clean it up.

Gabriel watched in dismay as, once again, Sam threw away his gifts. It was becoming hopeless to continue leaving the chocolate and love letters for him when he just threw them away like they were trash.

Did he know it was Gabriel?

Was that why he didn't like the gifts?

Gabriel sighed in defeat and walked off, planning to give this Secret Admirer thing one last shot.

The next day, Sam was pleased to find that there wasn't any litter left on his desk when he arrived to class. Finally, he thought.

Sam's day went by smoothly, up until lunch.

Sam was uneasy as he entered, all heads turned towards him.

"Do you think he knows?" one girl whispered. Another shushed her in response.

"The Trickster isn't going to be happy when he sees him..." another said.

Sam shuddered when he heard that. The Trickster, prankster of the school, hottest guy Sam had ever seen, complete rebel, was mad at Sam? For what?

He sat down in his usual spot and felt his anxiety levels rising as he waited for Gabriel to come confront him for whatever the hell he seemed to have done.

Moments later, the doors to the cafeteria swung open and in popped a furious looking Gabriel.

"You." he growled. His menacing gaze was directed towards Sam.

He paced towards him, stomping his feet like a toddler who hadn't gotten their way.

Gabriel was centimeters away from Sam when he stopped. Despite being small, he was intimidating.

He closed the gap between the two in a rough kiss, earning a few gasps from curious students.

Just as quickly as it had started, it ended. Gabriel was fuming even more now and it seemed like he would burst at any moment.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" he spat, venom lacing his voice. "You think you can just be all hot and smart and adorable and oblivious! No, oh no, kiddo. You, sir, are horrible. You're on my shit list. You think you can just ignore my gifts? Just THROW AWAY my love letters? Dispose of the candy hearts like they're trash?" Gabriel was yelling now, tears forming in his eyes.

"It's not fair. It's not fair! IT'S NOT FAIR!" he shouted. He started crying, not bothering to wipe the tears from his face. Through all of this, he continued to glare at Sam. Not once did anyone else in the cafeteria dare to make a sound.

Sam, on the other hand, was in complete shock from the kiss and Gabriel's little speech. A look of sudden realization washed over his face as he realized how stupid he had been.

Nobody just accidentally leaves candy and nicely written notes on your desk for months, Sam, he thought.

He immediately started apologizing, fear in his eyes as he explained this was all just a big mistake. He hadn't meant to hurt Gabriel. He just didn't know.

Sam was also crying at this point, guilt washing over him as he realized he had left this boy completely heartbroken.

 Sam tried to console Gabriel, but nothing was working. He just ignored his words. Sam sighed and thought of the obvious thing to do, and pulled Gabe into a tight hug. He whispered soft apologies into his ear as he slowly swayed them side to side. Gabriel's breathing calmed down and he eventually stopped crying.

The other students watched the scene unfold in front of them. Gabriel, the baddest of the boys, had practically admitted his love to Sam Winchester, the awkwardly tall nerd.

Everyone in the cafeteria started cheering, some hooting at the pair.

Sam blushed as he looked down at Gabriel and the two walked out of the room, to a place more private.


whoo, bad endings for emotional trainwreck one shots

it seems that the updates will never end, I can't control myself.

I'm running out of ideas, so comment if you have any prompts, please

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