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Sort of Sabriel

Summary: Why the fuck is Sam's hair so long?

Sam typed away on his laptop, researching their latest case. He assumed it was just a spirit, but he was checking. While he was typing, he heard a whoosh  and turned around to see Gabriel standing in front of him.

He would usually be happy to see Gabriel. He was, until he saw what was in Gabriel's hands. He had tons of hair ties and ribbons and bobby pins, even flower crowns overflowing in his hands.

"Hiya, Sammy." he greeted.

"What's with all that stuff, Gabriel?" Sam asked, fear lacing his voice. He slowly backed up, afraid of what Gabriel was planning with all the hair supplies.

"I got bored and I'm feeling creative. And you have pretty hair. Can I style it?"  he asked, flashing a smile at Sam.

Sam instantly shook his head no, he wasn't letting anyone touch his hair.

"Please?" Gabriel asked, puppy eyes and a pout on his face.

Sam sighed and nodded. "Just no cutting it."

Gabriel agreed to the terms and quickly started styling.

Gabriel had snapped all the mirrors in the room away, so Sam had no way of telling what he looked like.

After many tugs of hair and thousands of lost bobby pins, Gabriel announced he was done.

Gabriel snapped one of the mirrors back into Sam's hands, and he examined his reflection.

Gabe had put two braids in his hair, pinning it to the back, and a flower crown hung on his head. The flower crown was beautiful, with vibrant, big roses. The roses were hot pink, violet, teal, and yellow. An interesting mix, but gorgeous, nonetheless.

"It's not hideous..." Sam trailed off, turning to face Gabriel. Gabe's face fell and he looked sad.

"You don't like it." he pouted.

"No, I love it! It's beautiful, Gabe." Sam reassured.

Gabriel looked up at him, smiling. "Really?"

"Yes, really. It looks nice. A bit too girly for me, but I like it."

Gabe's smile widened and he hugged Sam tightly.


Just then, the door opened and Dean entered. He stopped in his tracks when he saw the two in the room.

"Uh, Sammy..what's with your hair?"

"It has braids and a flower crown. Don't you see that?" he responded.

"Yeah, I see that, but why?"

"Because, I'm Sam fucking Winchester."


I didn't know how to end this one so...

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