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I walk around the house with a plate on my hand, sooner placing it on the table and opening the refrigerator if there's food that I can eat without cooking since I am lazy. I grabbed a bunch of lettuce and cabbages, and a dressing for a salad. I placed one cabbage on top of the lettuce, and a lettuce on top of the cabbage and so on and so fort, then added the dressing. I grabbed a glass of water, and sat on my stool as soon as someone covered my eyes. I tried to figure out who it is, I placed my hand on top of the person's hand. Big hand. I kinda feel the person's veins. Mason? No. It couldn't be him.
"Surprise." Same low and husky voice.
"Aren't you going to say 'Good Morning, hubby' or at least a 'Good Morning, babe' to me?" That voice isn't just someone. It's Mason.
"Uh, yeah, good morning." He wrap his arms around my waist, I can perfectly feel his body against mine.
"I believe that there was supposed to be a 'hubby' or 'babe' by the end of your sentence but I'll take it. Are you okay?" Define the word okay. For me, okay isn't any good.
"Why are you so quiet?" Mason asked. Should I even answer him?
"Um. Just... Thinking about a few stuff." I said.
"What are those stuff?" I just shrugged it off.
"That's impossible. Come here." I felt him let go of me, and walked towards my living room. I've got no other choice than to follow him. He sat on a couch, and I sat next to him. I don't know what's happening but this better not break me into tiny little pieces. He grabbed me, wrapped one arm around my shoulder and I wrapped my arm around his waist.
"Let me ask you one thing, if you and I ever have babies, what would you name them?" Mason asked.
"Uh.. I like the name Nicole and Stephen. So if it's a girl, then I'd go with Nicole and if it's a guy, I'm going with Stephen. What would you name them?"
"Hm.. Stephen Carter and Nicole Carter. Sounds good. Maybe, Jane for a girl and William for a boy." I nod, and we continue talking for hours until it comes to the point where the both of us fight over a small thing. I watched him leave the house and bang the door. I followed him but it was too late.
I woke up by an alarm. I'm like, 10 minutes late for school. I looked at myself in the mirror, my eyes are bloodshot from crying. Everything felt so real but I knew it was all a dream.

It took me about 15 minutes to get ready, I skipped my first two subjects which are Math and Literature. And yet, even if I am already in my school, I'm 3 minutes late for Spanish class.
"Buenos días, Señorita Lavigne. Do you have any valid reason about why you are late?"
"Buenos días, Señorita Garcia. No, ma'am. I don't think waking up late is a valid excuse and reason for you." Everyone said 'ooooh' at the same time and I sat next to Jacob.
"Todos ustedes, guardar silencio y escuchar a mí!" I looked around and I can see that everyone has no idea what Miss Garcia just said but they kept there mouth shut. I felt a light touch from Jacob, turns out Mason was sitting next him. He reached out a note under the desk and I grabbed it from him and opened it.
"Keep an eye on Miss Garcia for me." I whispered to Jacob. I then open the paper.
What happened to you and Mason?
It doesn't matter anymore.
I give the piece of paper back to Jacob, ignoring him and his light pokes and touches.

45 minutes has passed by and it's already lunch break. It's sad how I'm so lonely every now and then. Sometimes, I would see Mason, Gerard and Allison walking down the hallway and laughing. Even during our breaks and dismissal. I just feel completely broken. I DO feel bad for rejecting him. I didn't want to reject him, really. It's just that, I wasn't ready to start a relationship with anyone at all.
Hey guys! So this was the exciting thing I was talking about the last Chapter. To be honest, if I got the chance to pick my favorite chapter of this story, it would be chapter nine. Although, I had some errors but I'll fix it anyways.
I hope you enjoyed this Chapter!
Love you lots xx

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