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A day has passed by and today's the day where Caleb and I are going to Las Vegas. Basically, mom sent her a letter. He's a momma's little boy, eventually. The aiport's pretty crowded considering that it's spring and it's nice to go somewhere with our family. Right now, we're waiting for the lady announce that the plane to Las Vegas is ready. Let me just point something out, no, I don't have a private jet plane but my parents does. Too much for the easy route, I guess. It's been exactly an hour since we have arrived to LAX. I felt my phone vibrate, realizing that it was a text from Andrea.

"Mr. Carter just approached me, Christina. And he asked if I saw you today. Is there something going on that I don't know?" There's obviously nothing going on between us. Despite the fact that I went to his house a few days ago.

"There's nothing going on, trust me." I replied. Once I have sent it, the lady has finally announced that the plane to Las Vegas is ready. Caleb gave the tickets to the person before letting us go outside. The cold breeze of the air made my hair go to different directions, I smacked Caleb's arms when I noticed him laughing.

"Ow! What was that for?" For laughing at me, I thought. I just rolled my eyes and went to the direction to the plane. It's been so long since I last went somewhere with my family. We have finally went into the plane and let me just state the truth, whatever the scent is, it's making me dizzy. I finally went to sit down on our seat once we have seen it. I sat on where the window is, obviously. I took out my phone and on my lock screen, it says, three new messages. I unlocked my phone and it was two messages from Andrea and one from dad.

Christina, where are you? and School's about to start! was the messages I got from Andrea. I immediately replied that Dad has sent the proffesor and principal that we have to attend an occassion.

"Christina, have you and Caleb already left the house?"

"Yes," I replied to my dad. A few more minutes of waiting for a few more people to get into the plane, we have finally took off. I sat back and looked at the window, listening to Don't by Ed Sheeran. The buildings made the city really gorgeous, and the palm trees even made it a lot more better. LA really looks very amazing when you are up in the sky, and I am not even lying.

A few more hourse later, the plane has finally landed. I gotta admit it, the whole trip almost made me want to throw up but I restrained myself. I didn't really got the chance to look at how Las Vegas looks when you are up in the sky. People have finally went out of the plane, it's crazy, all of them seemed like they were in a rush or wanted to take a shit. We only had our chance to leave the plane once some of us were only left. Caleb took our luggage and I went out of the plane, the cool breeze of the air made my spine tingle, but in a good way of course.

"Dad said he had booked us to this place called Caesar's Palace. Do you have any idea what that is?" Oh god. I swear, sometimes I just want to hit my brother with a fucking brick.

"Caesar's Palace is like one of the most fanciest five star hotel, you idiot." I smaked his arm playfully and let out a soft laugh. We have finally left the airport and now we just need to wait for a cab. A few cabs has passed by but they were full of people so there was no chance. Then a cab pulled up in front of us and the both of us went in.

"Where may I take you two lovely couples?" I looked at Caleb then the driver. I let out a loud laugh and shake my head.

"Sir, we're just siblings," I said. The driver laughed along and corrected his sentence. "I'm sorry about that. Where may I take you two lovely siblings?"

"To Caesar's Palace please."

"Wow, you are lucky you are able to get into that place." Yeah, we know. Considering that place is so huge according to some people and now, I'm able to go there. The whole trip has been silent. Caleb was just texting his girlfriend, Kendall while I am looking out of the window. Las Vegas is pretty much very amazing and lovely, the buildings are really fonding, I'm wondering how it looks like at night, though. The cab has finally stopped and I spot Caesar's Palace. This is it.

I gave the exact money to the driver and told him thank you before leaving and getting our luggages. This is it Christina, you're going to see a bunch of new faces. I thought. This place is so huge, I wanted to drool but that would be so unattractive.

"Wow." Is all that I can say for this exact moment.

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