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Today's the Press Con and both mom and dad told Caleb and I to go travel around Las Vegas. According to the letter dad sent me, we are staying at Las Vegas for two weeks. But actually, no. Tomorrow, we will be flying to Miami and both of them will go back here in Las Vegas while Caleb and I go back to LA. See, my dad always gives wrong informations. Or maybe he did that on purpose. But then I wouldn't be surprised. He hates me, so. I let out a frustrated sigh and decided to call Sarah and asked how everything's going. Our parents has told us to stay here and have some fun for the day.

But of course, we'll get to see the venue for their press conference first. All I know is, it's only near a few blocks away from Caesar's Palace.

"Hey, are you ready for today?" My brother asked. I nod my head and give him a small smile.

"Psh. I was born ready," I added. I let out a laugh and tucked myself back in to bed since we still got a few hours before we'll be able to see the venue.

A few more hours later, I woke up like a mess. I always look like a mess anyway. I jumped out of bed and turned my phone on.
Hurry up and get ready.
We will give you 35 minutes, Tina.

"Shit," I cursed under my breath. I hurriedly went to the bathroom and stripped off to take a bath. It took me at least 15 minutes to finish bathing. I hopped out of the bathroom and rushed to my luggage where my clothes are. I bought out an white-like-dress, but of course it's just a simple one.

A few minutes later, Caleb came out of nowhere and started yelling, "Today's the press conference!" all over again, which made me tense up a bit. I heard that the venue's actually quite classy and fancy, but I highly doubt that was my dad's idea. After dressing up, Caleb and I finally decided to leave the suite. The sun was shining bright that I couldn't even look up and appreciate how lovely the weather is. But then I remembered, I can't go anywhere since I have a few more minutes to go to the venue and leave Las Vegas in two hours.

"Do you think we'll make it on time?" Caleb asked. I looked up at him and shoot him a reassuring smile. "Of course," I said.

20 minutes later, both of us had already made to the venue. The place full of chairs and a table and chair in front of them which I think where my parents will sit. I looked over to my right side and saw my mom and dad talk to a friend of theirs. Well, here we go.

About an hour or later, the press con has started.


I am sorry I haven't updated for so long. I have been really busy with school and sooner, I will try at least updating two chapters in one day. Also, I am sorry that this chapter is kind of short. Well, probably really short.

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