Chapter 3

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When he took off, she tightened her arms around his waist and put her head into his back. She was taken off guard to how fast he went so quickly. After a while, she lifted her head and glanced around at the spectacle around her. "This is so cool! And you get to see this all the, what is your name? I don't believe I caught it." 

"Ladies first." He nickered. "What's your name?" He asked her with a crooked smile.

She laughed lightly. "What a gentlecentaur you are! Well, since I have been saying my full name a lot, might as well do it again! My name is Avelina Grecia Berg. But, you can call me Eva if you would like." She gave a silly grin, "now, good centaur, what is your name?"

He sped up a little more, holding his arms to his chest. "It's Evander, dear Eva." He replied.

She laughed at that. "How would you like that! Your name is similar to mine! That will definitely make it more memorable!" She patted his side like she would her own horse, but, realized what she did and retracted her hand immediately after. "I'm sorry! It's sorta a force of habit."

He blushed lightly. "I may be part human, but I'm also part horse, good lady." He snorted like a horse would and smiled back at her.

"I know that! My body might do things before I think sometimes, but, trust me, I know Evander!" She shouted, trying her best to defend herself from the embarrassment she felt.

He slowed to a trot and smiled with a chuckle. "In other words, I also enjoy some things horses do, and a pat just might be one of them."

"In that case, because you were so nice about this situation, I think you deserve a reward no?" She gave him a few pats, and added a small stroke in with it.

He held his tail high in pride, side stepping for her with a smile when a young colt ran up to them. "T-t-trap!" He cried out.

Avelina's eyes widened in shock. "Trap? Where is it?" She held on more tightly to Evander at what the colt said.

He reached back and took her hand with his. "Lead the way." He told him and whistled for a few more to come with him.

"Papa... Caught..." The child managed to say.

After being reassured by Evander, she felt as though she had a calm and level head again. She looked at the child whom was trembling slightly. "Don't worry, I'm sure your Papa is okay. I know he will be fighting to stay with you. Nothing will get in the way of that." She gave the colt a reassuring smile.

He looked up at her in wonder and hope, then took off with his ungainly canter to show them a large white centaur, on the ground with his leg in a metal trap. The colt hurried to him. "Papa, brought help." He told him.

When she saw the contraption on his leg, Eva immediately slid off Evander, not particularly caring if he had halted or not. She sat herself in front of the trap and leg, blocking the trapped centaur from seeing it. "How are you doing sir? I see you have been strong eh?"

"M-my leg is broken..." He managed in a breath and Evander knelt down beside her, staring at it sadly. 

"We must remove the trap and quickly get him to a healer"

She nodded her head in understanding. "My friend, I will do everything in my power to help. Now, this might sting a little bit, but, you must bare it. Remain strong. Show that something like this cannot break your will." With that, she began to pry open the trap, her hands getting cut in the process.

"I am not afraid of pain." The older stallion said.

Evander took the top of the steel jaws. "Just hold the bottom." He told her and pulled with brute strength, opening it. "Carefully move his leg."

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