Chapter 2: Those eyes

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  When we arrived at McDonalds Bridgett held the dogs while I went in and ordered. We took a table in the outdoor café. Luckily for us there was a sign to sit behind; the wind was picking up. It gets cold quickly here in North Carolina.

  While our hot chocolate was cooling we began to ponder what happened earlier. It was certainly strange and a little frightening. Marley and Bruiser were still on high alert, so maybe that would be comforting. I would definitely be alarmed by two large, muscular dogs, one of which is a massive Rottweiler.

  Bridgett was lost in thought. "Hey chic?" I asked softly, "Are you okay?" "That was freaky. I've never seen anything like that before." Bridgett said shakily. "I know, this worries me too. They don't act like that without good reason." I reassured. "Well then what WAS their justified purpose?" She demanded. "I don't know, but it can't be good." I admitted.

  "What if there was a stalker or something following us?!" She ranted. "I'm a little freaked out too, but let's just calm down. Needless to say I'll be taking a different route to school from now on." I said. She nodded in agreement, "Be careful." I gave her a small smile. What else was there to say?

  So I was careful. Each day I took a different route to and from school. It aggravated me that I couldn't identify what had been watching us. It was like we were on the wrong side of a one way window. This wasn't going to deter me from getting out of the house. It's the only time I really feel peaceful. Bobcat season had recently started, so maybe one just got a little bit closer to the road this time.

  School was about the same as usual for the next month. On Fridays I went to the football games as always. We were doing pretty well this season. Welcome to Bine County, home of the Rams. Our team colors are purple and silver.

  By now it was almost the end of September. Wednesday of next week would be the first of October. I had seen Dallas a few times at the games. I never went to say hey. He's been different at school lately.

  He seemed so on edge recently. We weren't great friends but before now he had actually been starting to talk to me more. As of these past couple weeks he hardly says anything to me; except to ask what I've been up to every few days or so. He sticks close to the guys. Maybe he has a girlfriend? My stomach knotted at the thought. It was ridiculous for me to have a crush on someone I barely knew, but the feelings were there none the less.

  For whatever reason I felt strangely compelled to tell him about all the weird things that had been going on, but that was the extent of our conversations. I told him what happened on the way to McDonalds. He absorbed it thoughtfully. I also explained that I started taking a new school route. There was something about him that made me want to tell him everything. He looked me dead in the eyes; the expression on his face was sincere worry. Those eyes.....

  They lightened even more than his natural color, and then brightened. His irises gave off an almost........ yellow glow. My heart raced. I had been having that same dream for a month now. Each time was the same. First I felt the wind, and then I saw the eyes. The growl slipped from my throat. After that I wake up.

  His lips twitched, and then his eyes softened. I settled a little. We had been in the same schools together for a couple of years now. You'd think we would be pretty well acquainted. I guess everyone has their secrets. I was determined to discover his.

  The bell sounded. I stood at the signal, grabbing my books and purse. Dallas stepped in front of me. "I'm going to Casey's house today; maybe we could walk together since I never have before. After all you wouldn't want me to get lost would you?" He tried to persuade me. I frowned," I'm sure you can find your way." "Nuh-uh." Dallas replied. "Then take the bus." I said bluntly. "Come on Cillian don't make me cry", he made a sad face.

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