Chapter 8: The Cat's Out of the Bag

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A/N: Okay finally! Here's chapter 8! I am so sorry it has taken so long to post, I have been having major problems with my laptop. I have found a temporary fix for the issue. To all of you loyal leaders, I know some stuff has been going down with me and multimedia makers, I hope you will still stand by me and continue to read. If any of you wanna make covers, banners, trailer, or what ever please feel free! I warn you in advance that this chapter is a filler, but it's necessary. Please enjoy and remember I love it when you vote and comment!!!! :)

Tony decided that it would be best for me to confront our unexpected visitor. Everyone else had fallen back to give us space. Now that I was dressed I made my way back to where the devious cat was locked up.

  Before stepping out into the open I took a few deep breaths. What if it was Bridgett?  I did long to talk to her, but not like this. Up until tonight I didn’t know that werecats even existed, and if they have to go through anything like we do I feel sorry for them. I would never wish someone the same cards I’ve been dealt.

  Finally I willed my feet to move, and seconds later emerged from the shadows. The giant feline’s head snapped up. Its face held many emotions such as shock, confusion, anxiety and fear. I held my hands up in a cautious gesture. “Bridgett”, I asked unsurely, “is that you?”

  The tabby nodded her head slowly. That was good enough for me. I immediately unlocked the cage. She stepped out warily. “I need you to shift back so that we can talk”, I said with a very relaxed tone, then turned my head and held out the clothes.

  Moments later I heard Bridgett clear her throat. I turned and looked straight into those hazel eyes that knew me so well. The ones that belonged to my best friend. The one who I had abandoned and betrayed. Deep down I knew it had been for her safety, but right now all I could see was the hurt on her face.

  I couldn’t stop from hugging her. She didn’t fight it either, so we just stood there like that for a moment. When I pulled back tears were shimmering in both our eyes. I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. Bridgett eventually spoke up. “What happened?”

  Since I didn’t know which incident she was referring to specifically I decided to just start from the very beginning, when Bryce attacked me. We sat by a moonlit river as I filled her in. She listened intensely throughout my tale. To my surprise her first response was, “So you and Dallas?” I chuckled slightly; her personality hadn’t changed a bit.

  “He is my mate”, I replied in a serious tone.” She looked confused so I explained, “Werewolves have mates, and your mate is the one person you’re destined to be with, like an actual soul mate.” Her eyes grew wide. “Wow that’s crazy”, Bridgett said in a hushed voice, “but in a good way right?” I nodded yes. “Soooo, have ya’ll, you know? Done it?” She asked after a minute.

  At first my mouth hung open in shock, and then I busted out laughing. “No”, I finally replied after catching my breath, “but when we do we’ll be fully mated.” “Fully?” She questioned while scrunching her brows together. I pulled my hair back to show her the claiming mark Dallas had given me. “Dang”, Bridgett said while making a face, “Ya’ll wolves are into some kinky stuff.”

“Oh yeah?” I said while mock punching her arm. “Well what are you werecats into?” Her face fell slightly as she spoke, “I wouldn’t know.” “Why not”, I asked with confusion clear in my voice. Bridgett let out a long sigh as she raised her eyes to meet mine.

 “I don’t know anything about my… species. I don’t know the history, comman traits or anything like that.” She huffed in a frustrated manor. The irritation was palpable on her face. Did werecats have as short of tempers as werewolves?

  “I don’t understand…” My voice was quiet. “My werecat genes come from my mom’s side”, she stated bitterly. Now it all made sense. Her parents had abandoned her at a young age. She was forced to live with her grandmother, on her father’s side, so of course Bridgett would be in the dark about this. I’m sure it doesn’t help with her Nana being so cold and unloving.

  I draped my arm over her shoulder and tried to console her, “I know how you feel.” “You couldn’t possibly understand how I feel”, she snapped with her voice dripping venom. My fist clenched tightly; it was important to control myself with Bridgett in such a fragile state. “You’d be surprised”, I stated calmly. “Here’s what I know”, she hissed, “You abandoned me and everyone else as soon as you changed into the big bad wolf, and just went on with a new group. I didn’t think I could be so easily replaced.”

  My eyes glowed the bright yellow color that indicated my primal side was close to the surface. “I DID THAT TO PROTECT YOU!” I roared. “From what? What was so dangerous that you abandoned me when I needed you most?” My best friend raged on.

  I let out a low and frustrated growl. Be careful how much you tell her Cillian. Tony warned. I then proceeded to completely block off my mind link. Even though I knew it would be considered extremely disrespectful to cut off an Alpha, but I couldn’t concentrate with him pressing me in the middle of a heated conversation. Plus I was SO not in the mood.

  “From a lot of things, including myself”, I tried with a softer tone. “Come on C, you know you wouldn’t have hurt me, and what other things?” She replied, also cooling down a bit. “You don’t know that. One minute we could have been picking with each other, and the next I could’ve had my teeth to your throat. You saw how quick my temper is. It’s a wolf thing.”

  “I have faith in you, more than you do in yourself.” Bridgett proclaimed confidently. “Okay, even IF I could control my temper, what was I supposed to do? Just come out and tell you that I’m a werewolf?”

  “We would have figured it out”, she said after a minute. I sighed. “I didn’t want you involved, the less you know the safer you are. It’s still not too late for you to turn around and walk away.”

  “Oh yes it is, now tell me exactly what’s going on”, she said in an almost shaky voice. Bridgett knew that it must be serious for me to act like this. “Do you remember the dream?” I asked with trembling hands. She nodded. “It was real, it means something, B, something very bad”, my voice was hushed, “Bryce is after me for some reason. I don’t have all the pieces to the puzzle, but I do know this, all this training isn’t for just a walk in the park. We’re preparing for war.”

  Bridgett’s face showed shock and horror. She opened and closed her mouth several times, with no luck on finding words. I nodded my head slowly, not knowing to say either. “You can’t she shrieked!”

  “I don’t have a choice”, my words came with false bravery. Inside I was truly terrified. “You could get killed!” My devastated friend sobbed. “Bridgett, people are already getting killed! If we don’t end this now, who knows what will happen!” I pleaded.

  “What do you mean people are already getting killed?” She asked timidly. “Recently there have been deaths in nearby counties. They were all very gory and Bryce’s doing. I’m afraid soon the killing will hit close to home.” I explained.

  Bridgett looked scared and confused. “Look B, it’s been a long night. Let’s get home and rest up for now. Tomorrow we can talk about this more.” I suggested.  “Home?” She asked puzzled. “The pack house actually”, I clarified. When she responded gave me another confused look I simply led her there. Bridgett and I curled up in bed back to back after changing into pajamas. Claira would sleep on the couch tonight. Before drifting off I silently vowed to get her the information she deserves about herself.

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