Chapter 2

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It is the first day of school.  Oh boy!  This should be fun!  Psh sike!  I can't stand school.  It is almost like a prison for kids.  Feeling a little grumpy for having to get up, I got up and went into my bathroom.  I turned on the hot water for the shower and started to get ready.  Teeth, make-up, and hair were the main things.  After that was finished I walked into my closet.  I chose to wear some blue skinny jeans, my black mary janes, and a black halter top.  I wore gold jewelry that was best with my complexion.  See I'm mixed.  Native American, African American, and a little bit of Irish to be exact.  But I look more Native American than anything.

I took my pony tail out of my hair and let it drop passed my shoulders.  I know I was attractive, and I used it to my advantage.  But the attention that came with it I never really cared for.

Once I finished getting ready I ran down stairs to the kitchen.

"Mom?  Dad!?" I called out.

No answer.  I looked around and saw a note on the refrigerator.

"Figures." I said to myself.

I didn't bother to read the note.  I knew what it was going to say because it would be the same note from all the other times.  It would say they went on a long trip, left me some money, be careful and safe, blah blah blah.  I threw the note in the trash and grabbed the car keys.  I walked to my car and got in.  I started the car and my favorite song came on.

I've been roaming around.  Always looking down at all I see.  Painted faces, fill the places I can't reach.  You know that I can use somebody.

I blasted the song and drove to school.  I pulled up to the parking lot already to know what to expect.  I stepped out and saw all of the varsity football players standing near the entrance.  Oh joy.  I walked in their direction to enter the building and felt their eyes burning on me.  I heard the whispers, the whistling, everything.

"Hey Tiana.  You look good this morning." Said Josh.

"Thanks.  Now you want to do me a favor and give me my face back?" I said.

Damn I hate when people stare.  They let me walk by and I entered the building.  I headed to my locker and as usual people stared.  After unlocking and opening the locker the cheerleaders came to me.  Just like they did everyday.

"Hey girl." Becky said.

"Hi you guys." I said in return.

"So have you finally decided to join the squad?  We really would like you to."

Okay if nobody hasn't noticed, I really don't like attention.  I pretty much like to be by myself, read, write, sing, listen to music, etc.  I don't want to be no damn prep.

"Sorry you guys.  Not this year.  Maybe next year." I told them with a smile.

I didn't want to be rude.

"Awww.  Okay then.  Well see you later."

"Bye." I said and went to class.

By the end of the day I was so bored.  I hated my life at times.  It was the same routine everyday with the same people.  I wanted to meet new people.  Have new experiences.  Have a...boyfriend.  I was 17 and still a virgin.  I bet the football team would get a kick out of that.  As usual the day went by in drag.  Nothing interesting happened.  I kept quiet, took notes, got good grades, said hi to everyone and left school at the end of the day.

I had to go to the grocery store since my parents were out of town, again.  Good thing it was only down the street from the school.  Luckily I got a good parking spot and went inside the store.  With my cart I went up and down the isles.  I got the main stuff like bread, milk, fruit, and veggies.  Then I got some stuff for dinner like chicken, broccoli, i bought a few packs of koolaid cause I was addicted to the stuff and kept it moving.

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