Chapter 4

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It's been two days since I've last heard from Derek. He hasn't called, texted, or come to visit me since he stormed out my house. I know it's wrong to say this, but I wish he would come see me. I miss him. I mean even though he does wrong, I still love him.

I went to school and observed things throughout the day.  It is official, that I am no longer the popular girl anymore.  The football team doesn't flirt with me no more, hell they don't even look my way.  The cheerleaders don’t come to talk to me like they used to.  People pass me down the hallway without a smile or even a glance.  Derek really has taken a toll on my life to the point where I don't have a life anymore.  I can't hang out with nobody, see nobody, talk to nobody, nothing.  Brandon, Chelsea, and sometimes Bianca are the only people that go out their way to see me when they can.  That shows who my real friends were.

I recorded a couple of episodes of Maury so when I got home I decided to watch them.  Of course the episode i chose just so happened to be about abusive husbands.  It was so sad. These women were completely taken control of.  At least I had a backbone and stood up for myself, but I loved him too much to lose him.

I cut the tv off and threw the remote in frustration.  God why was my life like this?  I put my black hoodie on and cried to myself.

"Oh come on Tiana.  You have to come.  It will be fun and you haven't been out since the stone age." said Chelsea.

I shook my head.

"I don't know Chelsea.  I mean that's not my scene anymore.  Look at me.  I went from the popular girl to the quiet emo in like what 3-4 months.  It would feel weird."

"Girl you have to come!  Okay look.  One, you need to try to get your life back.  Two, fuck the people who deserted you because they weren't your friends from the jump.  And three, I don’t see no Derek character to come and tell you otherwise so you’re going."

I groaned as she pushed me to the bathroom to take a shower.  By the time I came out she had my outfit all set for me to wear.

"What the hell is this?  I can't wear this." I said to her.

"Like hell you can't.  And look . It's a mix of the old you and the new you.  It's different and I know you like that so hurry up and put it on or we are going to miss out on all the cuties." she said with a perky smile.

Why did my closest friend have to be a cheerleader?  I shook my head and smiled.

"Alright." I said.

"Good girl now hurry so I can do your make up." she said.

Great.  Now I'm going to be her barbie doll.  This should be fun.

Chelsea and I entered the party looking so hot.  We took pictures and hung out with people I haven’t talk to in forever.  I must say, it felt nice to get out.  I couldn't really dance because I was still sore of bruises, but I still had fun.

"Hey?" this random guy asked.  He held out two beers asking us if we wanted one.

"Oh I don’t..."

"Yes!" said Chelsea completely cutting me off.

She took the beers and winked at the guy.  He smirked and walked away into a crowd of people.

"What the hell?  I don't drink.”

"Oh Tiana its just a beer.  No hurt in that." she said.

"No.  You have them."

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