Chapter 6

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Brandon's Pov

I came back from the grocery store and simply walked into the house.

"Hey Tiana.  Where are you?  I rented some movies and got some...oh my god."

I looked around and the house was complete destroyed.  I saw some blood stains on the carpet and on the wall.  I started to panic and I ran all over the house.

"Tiana!!!  Tiana!!!" I called out.

No answer.  I ran back outside and saw nothing.  What the hell?  I know who could of taken her.  So I hopped in my car and raced back over to the grocery store.

I busted up in there and went straight up to a guy in a tie.  He must of been the manager.

"HI may I help you?" he said.

"Yeah.  Derek.  Where is he?" I said panting.

The manager looked kind of concerned and pushed up his dorky glasses.

"He left.  He's off for the rest of the evening."

"Do you know where he could of went?"

"I would assume his house." the manager said.

I looked at him anxiously.

"Where does he live?" i asked.

"Right on the edge of town."

I ran out of the store and hopped in my car.  I pulled out my phone and made a really quick call.

"Hello." said Chelsea.

"Chelsea.  I need you to ask no questions and do this right now.  Tiana is in danger.  I need you to call the police and tell them to go to her house and look for clues."

"Oh my god.  what?!" chelsea screamed.

"No time I said for questions now do it." I said.

I closed my phone and hit the gas pedal.  I had to find her before it was too late.

Tiana's Pov

I looked around and had no idea where I was.  I moved to sit up and my head hurted like a bitch.  I felt it and i knew I had a gash on my head.  I looked around and saw I was in some sort of...building.  It was kind of dark but light enough for me to see.  What the fuck was Derek doing?

"Had a nice nap." said a voice.

I looked to my right and saw Derek sitting in a chair.  He was cleaning something.  I squinted my eyes to see what it was.

"Is that a..." I trailed off.

"Yeah.  It's a pistol.  It was my dad's." he said.

"Your dad would give you a gun?" I asked.

"No.  I just simply...took it.  He tried to get in my way from having it so...I simply went through him if you get what I'm saying." He said all of this with an expressionless face.

"How could you kill your own father?"I said.

"Easy.  He pissed me off so he had to go.  It's a shame though.  He didn't leave me not one god damn thing on his will, which left me to bag groceries the rest of my life." he spat.

"I'm not surprised." I said.

He shotup out of his seat and came up to me.  He grabbed my hair and pulled it.  He put the gun right at my neck.

"Derek.  How could you do this?  How could you do all of this to me?" I said with tears in my eyes.

He smiled. 

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