Chapter 3

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Two months went by and Derek and I were going strong.  We had such a connection.  Life was great.  At school it was still the same, but outside of school, I was brought to a world that I had never known existed.  Life was perfect.  One day Derek decided that he wanted to take me shopping.  If anything, I didn't need somebody spending money on me.  But it made him happy so I went along with it.  We were walking down the street holding hands until I heard someone call out my name.


Both Derek and I looked to see who it was calling out my name and long and behold it was my "friends" from school.  They came running up to us.

"Hey Tiana!" said Chelsea.

"Hi you guys." I said nicely.

"Well Tee, who's this?" asked Bianca.

"Oh this is Derek." I introduced.

"Hi.  Hey.  Wats up." said everyone.

"Hi." Derek said kind of rude.

I looked at him and he was looking away from all of us.  What was wrong with him?  Was it weird for him to meet people from my school?

"Tee we were all going to the movies.  Do you wanna come?"

"Oh well..."

"We're busy." said Derek.

Everyone was taken off guard by it, especially me.  It wasn't like him to be so rude and show his face.

"Oh well that's ok.  We'll just hang another time Tee.  See you later." said Chelsea.

"Bye you guys." I said.

I gave them an apologetic smile before they turned away.  What was that about?

"Hey Tiana." said Brandon.

"Oh hi Brandon.  I didn't even see you there."

Brandon gave me a big hug and lifted me off the ground.  I laughed as he did this.  Brandon was one of those guys I’ve known for a while.  He was always nice and humble.  He wasn’t so prep like the other people.

"I'll call you later Tee."

"Okay Brandon.  Bye." I waived.

After everyone was out of site I looked at Derek.  He was furious.

"What was that all about?  Did you have to be so rude?" I asked him.

"Lets go." He said kind of angry.

"Go?  Why?"

"Because I said so.  Now let's go."

"No I don't want to leave."

He looked at me with piercing eyes and got in my face.  I have never seen him get this upset with me before.  And over something stupid!

"Tiana.  I'm not going to say it again.  Get your ass in the truck."

I couldn't believe this.  What the hell was wrong with him?

I did what he said and got in his car.  I was so pissed.  He got in and slammed the car door and started the car.

"What the hell is your problem Derek?!" I yelled.

He simply looked at me and before I could comprehend what happened he smacked me. Right in my jaw.  I grabbed my mouth and began to cry.  I felt such a sharp pain in my jaw. I looked at him and he simply stared breathing heavily.

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