~ If Only ~

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She knew something was wrong when she heard the screaming. The sound of agonizing pain echoing down the halls. Even at the tallest tower, Dabria could still hear it.

The noise was unbearable. It needed to stop. It had to stop. She couldn't take it anymore."Silentium!" Dabria yelled. And then, quiet.

Not a sound penetrated through the many halls in the castle. Silence at last. Something was nagging at her, though. And she didn't know what. There was a whispering in the back of her head. It was saying, "Uires frustra mali. Consequentiae non ministrari." What did it mean by that?


You have used your powers for evil. The consequences will be served.

She tried to respond many times. Asking questions such as, "Voce, quid facies?" But there was no response, and no face to the voice. What she didn't realize, at merely eight years old, was that she had been cursed. For the rest of her life.

Her mother died that day, after giving birth to Annabelle. Dabria was told not to feel bitterness towards her newborn sister, but she found it nearly impossible. Why should she get to live when their mother had died? What made her life more valuable than her mothers? At first, people took the death as tragic, but possible. What they did not know, was that it was more than just bad luck. Dabria learned Latin from one of the computers she was provided.

Voice, what do you mean?

She did it in secret, so that whenever she cursed, or had something smart to say, she could say it in the one language foreign to the guards, and the cams. "I wish there would be food in here," Dabria said, in the most annoying voice she could muster. "Coming, your highness," came the reply. "Antoni hodie operatur. Magnus."

He was the only one who spoke fluent Latin, so if he wanted to, he could translate for them perfectly. But he had yet to reveal her secret. Maybe they were friends. "Princess, I have brought the food at your request. I hope you enjoy it," said Anthony with a thick accent.

Anthony works today. Great.

"Ita spero etiam, Antoni." He just smiled and turned away. "Wait!" Dabria cried in English, desperation evident in her voice. "Yes?" Anthony asked, turning back to her. "Why don't you ever say anything, about, y'know, me loquentem Latine?" "Because my dear princess, I find no reason to." With that, he bowed and walked away.

She pondered that for awhile, but found it pointless in the end. He was a servant. Why should she care what he does or does not do? But still, Dabria couldn't help but feel special. He didn't seem to fear her, like everyone else in the castle. Even her own father only wrote letters, and they were two rooms apart. "Why isn't he afraid? Hasn't someone told him? There's a reason why I'm in this tower."

I hope so too, Anthony.

Me speaking Latin

Dabria continued to wonder until her lunch meal. When she got the opportunity to ask. "Oh Annnnnnnnnnthonyyyyyyyyyyy. Food would be niiiiiiiiiiiiice," she sang into the speaker. "Ut voles, mea cara." Dabria could hear the smile in his voice, and she couldn't help but smile back. He didn't even ask what she wanted, for he already knew. He arrived 10 minutes later, carrying popcorn, root beer, and a b.l.t.

"So,I've been meaning to ask," Dabria started.


"Cur non times?" She asked. Then, having seen the puzzlement on his face, she explained.

As you wish, my dear.


Why aren't you afraid?

"I mean.. haven't you heard about me? I know you're new around here, but.. I'm alone, all the time. People are afraid of me. You've had to have heard by now."

Anthony's puzzlement gradually turned into something different. She could see amusement in his eyes, but his mouth did not follow the feeling. Instead, his face was very serious. The most serious she had seen him. It was almost frightening.

"Well, if you must know," Anthony started, mocking her attitude. Dabria rolled her eyes. He continued, unfazed. "Then, I would have only one answer to give. Yes, I have heard what the maids whisper. 'Cursed' they say. Well, I say they are full of bos stercus so to speak."

Literally translated: "cow dung"

Dabria couldn't help but laugh at that. Anthony broke into a smile himself. His face was practically glowing. He knew what to say.

"Omnis homo ad suam sententiam, as I like to say." Said Dabria, still laughing.

"Will that be all, princess?" Asked Anthony, trying to contain his own amusement.

"I suppose there is one more thing, Anthony," Dabria said.

"Which would be," Anthony stated.

" - Well, as fond as I am of Anthony, I have always been partial to Antonio. Would you mind?"

"Not in the least, princess. And I too, have a question,"

Every man to his opinion

"Ask away."

"Do you think we would be able to have these talks more often, princess?"

"Only if you wish to, Antonio. And it's Dabria, by the way."

"Dabria it is then. I'll see you in a few hours, Princess Dabria."

"And you too, Antonio."

Once again, Dabria found herself drifting from her work, to Antonio. It had turned out he had known about her. Why didn't he care? God knows everyone else did.

Anyway, what was it about him that made her think like this? She had never been one to care what others thought of her. Being called an abomination daily tends to ruin sensitivity to others' opinions. Antonio looked about 18. He was tall and lean, with a year 'round tan. It was definitely legit.

Dabria had seen countless men though. She was a princess. Even cursed princesses got proposed to, at least once. And they were classically handsome, also. Some, infact, were gorgeous. She had felt nothing for them. She didn't even dwell on the thought of them, after they had left.

Something about Antonio just seemed.. pure to her. And she couldn't quite place it. But, she knew, she definitely wanted to talk to him again.

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