~ Unknown ~

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The land, once appearing breath-taking, had turned ugly. The once colorful flowers turned gray. The trees withered up, their branches cracking off. The leaves were brown and dry.

They crackled under Antonio and Dabria's feet. If Antonio had ever seen a cursed place, this was it. "Where are we?" Antonio asked, surprised.

"Isn't this the most beautiful place you've ever seen?!" Dabria replied excitedly.

"As a matter of fact - "

"The wind is speaking. Can't you hear it? It warned me about people like you."

"People like me?"

"Yes, nonbelievers. The wind told me that only special people see the beauty," Dabria replied, indignant.

 "Dabria, now where did you get such absurd thoughts? Do you not see our location?"

"I see it quite clearly. It is you who does not appreciate the sights around you."

"The sights around me? Dabria, I am beginning to think you have gone mad."

Without saying another word, Dabria ran through the wasteland, pleased with what she saw. "Antonio! Oh Antoooooonioooooo," Dabria sang. "What's keeping you?"

I do not trust this. Not in the least. But Dabria seems unfazed. Looking up, Antonio saw that she had begun to skip merrily.

Turning only to see where Antonio was, then continuing on her way. Shrugging, Antonio skipped after her. Catching up, he tried to get her attention. "Dabria. Please. Look around you. This is not as it seems."

"Oh Antonio," Dabria said, pausing and holding his face in her hands. "Why are you always so serious?"

"I'm not serious," Antonio responded defensively, turning away. "I'm logical."

"Well, while you stay here and be 'logical', I'll be exploring."

Antonio watched silently as Dabria began to skip around, singing a song.

Antonio tried to listen in, but he couldn't make out the lyrics from his distance. He sat down on the rock closest to him, and waited. She would return eventually, wouldn't she?

When she did return, she looked solemn. "Dabria, what is the matter? You look very serious. I thought you were happy."

"Ignis dantis vindictam his qui non vident.

It is a fire, giving vengeance to those who do not see.

"Dabria, what do you mean? What is a fire?" Antonio asked, not sure he wanted the answer.

Dabria opened her mouth to respond, but right as she did, the view changed. Everything is ugly. How did I once find this beautiful?

Suddenly, it got very warm. "Antonio.. did it just get warmer to you?"

"No...? Dabria, are you okay? You are getting a blush!"

"I suddenly feel very hot..." Dabria said, fanning herself with her hand. She noticed a slight discoloration on the tips of her fingers. Thinking it was the lighting, she ignored it. Her hand became engulfed in flame instantly, spreading throughout her whole body. She had been burning from the inside out. 

     Antonio watched in horror as his love was a burning inferno. As she cried for him, he stood in a shock, unsure what to do. There was no water around, everything was dried up and dead. The dry leaves and twigs caught as she ran, desperate to survive.

Soon the flames overcame her will, and she collapsed in a heap, still burning, though dead. The sight was sickening. Antonio fled behind some trees in too much of a shocked state to react.

After running for almost an hour, Antonio stopped over some withered bushes, his chest heaving. Then reality hit like a boulder, crushing him beneath its weight. Dabria is dead. My one and only love has just burned in front of me. I didn't save her. I couldn't save her. 

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