Time skip

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A/N-Hi guys I'm so sorry I haven't updated I've been having writers block for a while and a lot of stuff has been going on in my family plus homework. But I would like to say I know I haven't written about the about the other seven so I'm going to write a one-shot about the others and I know this story is basically mostly about Nico, Reyna,Ruby, Percy,Annabeth. Please enjoy the rest of the story. Im also sorry for solangelo shippers I know so I apologize.P.S. I'll put this up for grabs if you can make an awesome shipping name for ruby and Nico I'll dedicate a chapter to you ok. On with the story-author-chan

Couple of months have past ruby is trying to give her brother a good life and is running from their mom but she manages to keep finding them. Ruby has become distant from Nico and everyone except Annabeth and Percy. Nico on the other hand is starting to hangout with Reyna and her friend will solace. Again and might be developing feelings of course everything will change with time. Ruby does every now and then say hi to Nico but it's obvious there's a lot of tension between them. Ruby hoped she could of kissed him at least once but little did she know Nico wanted the same. They are now in March Percy and Annabeth have decided to get married when they turn 21, Leo's dad has decided to give him and his girlfriend the family business (Leo and calypso's repair shop), hazel and frank are still in highschool but are moving in together next fall, Jason and piper are planning on going to Jupiter's dagger University, and as for Thalia she's starting a only woman group for the military since she finished school and believes in woman's rights.

Ruby's POV  *place: in a tiny apartment * time: 6:15 on March ,5*

I don't think I can do this anymore! Having that job is killing me and I'm failing chemistry! Great just great my life totally sucks, what did I ever do to make the universe hate me! Now not only does my best friend hate me and is hanging out with another girl but I going to be living out on street before I even graduate! I wish my mom wasn't a crazy alcoholic so that I could actually be a normal teenager! I think I need therapy. As I get up and try to go get ready for school I go to wake up Brandon. "Brandon get up its time for school, we have to be there by 7:35!"I yelled at him." Ruby just let me sleep like a normal person and skip school for today."he said sleepy." No dumbass! Do I have to use the ice bucket challenge on you right now or are you going to get up? Choose wisely or else."I warned. Through the door I heard a lot of ruckus probably meaning he chose to get up. He opened the door and said," I'm up! I will not go through that again!"he shuddered at the memory." Good now hurry up and get ready I'm cooking breakfast." But your not even dressed yet! I know but I don't take long getting dressed. Yeah right! You take hours to get ready, screw it I'm cooking breakfast you go get dressed! But- No buts I'm doing wether you like it or not. Fine I'll go get dressed. Jeez!" I yelled in frustration. At least he's getting better at cooking and cleaning. I went to my room and threw on a some skinny jeans,combat boots, a tank top, a random necklace i could easily reach ,and a love hoodie. I put my hair in high ponytail I added some eyeliner, eyeshadow,lipstick,and mascara. I run downstairs to see if my brother hasn't killed himself making breakfast. Apparently he made pancakes and bacon. I'm so proud I taught him right! Holy crap I sound like a mom! While Brandon was distracted turning a pancake I ran and stole a piece of bacon. "Hey! That's unfair ruby I was distracted! He pouted. Well yeah that's why I did it, duh. I said obviously. Fine then at least you're dressed, I'm going to get changed plus I already had breakfast. He said. Okay go ahead. I said. With that he left. I finished my meal,cleaned the dishes, and got my stuff together. By the time I was done it was 7:00 yet Brandon wasn't downstairs. I got a little worried and went to check up on him. By the time I reached his door he opened it ready to go with hair brushed and backpack packed. "Hey what took you so long and what were you doing?I questioned. I didn't take that long ,sheesh."brandon said in frustation. Then he just stared at me for a good two minutes like if he was wondering if I was an alien or something. Just when I was about to ask him why he was staring at me his eyes got huge but then turned concerned ,like are you okay? "Okay why are you wearing that necklace? He asked. What do you mean? I sad confused. That necklace, Nico gave it to you for your 16th birthday , I thought you were over him so why wear it? He questioned. Well I didn't know I was wearing it I just grabbed a random necklace and how did you know I had a crush on him? I said. It was kind of obvious and your probably still in love with him aren't ya. I, um don't know,  I do I guess but then I don't, its just complicated. I said frustrated. Ya right it's complicated, look Ruby if you hate him for breaking your heart or whatever then I'll go toilet paper his house with my friends for you. If not just admit your feelings build a bridge and get over it!"Brandon lectured. For being young and single he's way more mature than I thought.  "Your right today I'll confront him and tell him everything ! I said confidently. Yeah just one teeny tiny problem. Brandon said. Well what is it? I demanded. Um, only that you haven't spoken to each other since me getting out of the hospital and that was like 5-6 months ago."Brandon pointed out.  I hate to admit but he's right, I should of did this along time ago. Now that I think about it I don't have his number anymore , just great. "Alright get in the car lets go to school. I said calmly. Alright just think about what I said don't get so hung about and don't pull a Miley Cyrus or something. I don't want a crazy older sister it's bad enough I don't have sane mother. He said sarcastically. I'm going to ignore that but I will think on it ok. I said. Good now let's get a move on." As he ran towards the door.

Yes done with the chapter and again I'm sorry for not updating please don't hate me. Thank for your support and check out my other story. If your into the anime fairy tail check it out it's about the ship Nalu ! Thanks - author-chan.

The Seven's love life(A percy Jackson Fanfic) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now