Beauty Marked Part 38

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This new place was foreign to me. I, Rigter,was in Fortre- in the palace of the marked no less, granted access because of meeting her. A mere human serving Lord Andros at the will of my mistress- Rae who was the right hand of Mistress Mena. I would do anything to make her happy, to fill her every whim. And what's more my mistress' Rae and Mena were so kind to me that they gave me this position so that I may see my old master again. I wanted to go see him now, but that would make my mistress' unhappy, so I could not. Since my arrival here I had been by Rae's side and served her every whim, little things here and there. Just hoping she would show me more of her kindness and affection.

"Rigter" She called my name softly and I turned to her, Her long black hair moving gently around her and her golden eyes shining as rich and deep gold as ever. "Yes?" Rae beckoned me over with her finger and I immediately went to her side. She smiled at me. "You're such a good man, you've done everything I've said- you haven't complained about anything or tried to defy me even once." I knelt before her on one knee."Mistress, I would never." I kissed the back of her hand as she continued to speak.

"The time has come Rigter, I have something for you to do for me. Once it is complete I will let you see your old master" My kisses ceased on her hand and I looked up into her brilliant eyes. "What will you have of me?" I was graced by her smile, "The elite royal guard is returning to the castle. I want you to bring him to me. However, bringing him to me when there is too much to do will anger the lord; like you he also is under the lord's gaze and is busy. So aid him until he willingly comes to me."

I stood from my kneeling to stand taller and looked down at her features. "Consider it done." Rae looked at me and paused for a moment before looking away. I took her hand, "Could it be... you will miss me?" Rae looked back at me with a melancholy smile. "Do all that you can to make him come quickly." I nodded, having expected too much. Rae put a hand on my neck and pulled me down to grace my lips with her kiss. I melted into it, putting my arms around her and pulling her against my frame. So much heat emanated from her. She pulled away and looked at me."You are not to return to me, or to see your old master until I see him. That understood?" I calmed my body as best I could and bowed before her. "Understood."

Sure enough from the window I could see a group of guards were leading five men on chains into the castle. I bowed again to my mistress, "I shall return with him as quickly as I can." I headed out of her chambers and down to where they had been taken, wandering around the castle until I found two guards that I had seen in the group outside against a thick metal door. Both of them eyed me suspiciously as I walked to them. "I am here to speak with the elite guard." They huffed and looked at each other and back to me. "No humans permitted, unless you yourself want to be behind bars." I looked at them both and held my ground. "My mistress has sent me to retrieve him. You wish to defy my mistress' wish?" They moved to a defensive stance,"That a threat ya puny human?" one snarled "He's probably buddies with you-know-who in there, seeing as they're both practically the same." the second huffed. The first looked at him warily, "Don't even joke like that- you haven't seen his power?" Fear was etched onto his face.

I decided to use this to my advantage. I didn't know the man, but I wouldn't need to. "Exactly, So if you'd like him to know that you abstained me from giving him a very important message then by all means. Tell him that you won't let me pass." I warned. The guards looked at each other and the first filled with fear only nodded as to agree with me. "Any funny business and I'll find you myself human." The second glared as the door opened with a loud crying squeak of hinges heavily needing oil. "Much obliged."

I descended down the stairs, into the dark chambers below behind the door. They had brought the chained men into imprisonment. So surely as soon as he was done confining them he would be free to follow me. However when I arrived... all of the other guards were asleep on the floor and a lone guard was talking through the bars to the people inside. They stopped talking as soon as they saw me, and I stopped dead in my tracks. The guard, a man with purple eyes, the very same description of the man Bernard had told me of before- before I had found that house...A heaviness in my cranium felt like a pressure was pushing from within it, wanting to release something My hand shot to my head to ease the strain. But I couldn't remember or even think of what. I was surprised to see that the men whom he was speaking the most closely to behind the bars also had purple eyes. One set of their eyes locked with mine, and I found myself unable to move.

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