Beauty Marked Part 39

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He was locked away, and it was entirely my fault, my light glowed brightly as I was taken away from that dungeon, as Talus watched me get pulled away from him. The guards keeping atight hold on me so that even if I fought to go back i'd be useless. Talus' father seemed like quite the gentleman, I'd wondered if maybe Talus having been separated from him had been why he lacked that.

Who was I kidding? I knew that was my bitterness of him having put me in this predicament. But now he was locked away to be killed because of me. Lord Andros looked completely serious when he said he wouldn't spare his life again. There had to be something I could do... anything to stop it; I needed to stop being so powerless. The Kensington's wanted me as part of their family because of my power right? That is what Arid had said as well. I needed to find out what she meant; And I needed to do it quickly.

I was pushed into Gren's room, him laying in the darkness in the large bed. Gren looking even more drained than the last time I saw him. My heart broke instantly. If I were to try to help Talus... what would stop the Lord from doing something to Gren? That was what he was using to keep me here, Gren's protection. I had to protect Gren too and Lord Andros knew that. I remembered the fear in Devlin's eyes when I first asked him to take me to see Gren, to go against Lord Andros wishes. Even Devlin was intimidated by his own father. There must have been something I could do...

I closed the door firmly behind me and walked to Gren, I used to be able to ask him for his advice in my time of need. But he seemed so far gone now... "Father." I spoke softly as I approached him, my angel side's light illuminating the darkness. He opened his eyes and looked at me. "My dear, my sweet, my lovely child, please come closer." I closed the gap between us sitting on the bed beside him and looked into his eyes. He was transfixed immediately, not much different as Devlin had to the servant girl so long ago. It slightly tore at my heart. The love of a father that had been there once before, seemed so far away.

I held his hands as I looked into his eyes. "Father... I'm sorry, for everything that I've done. For placing this burden on you. For taking everything away from you." He held my hands with a firmness I thought he was no longer capable of and held my gaze as if his life depended on it. It very well may have at this point... but his words, surprised me. "You brought light into my life. Your light is the greatest gift anyone could ever hope for...and you chose me. I'm grateful."

I felt tears form in my eyes, "How? How can you say that?" I became frustrated with myself, "Look what I've done to you.. You're confined to a bed. I've been living off your energy my entire life. I ran away from you when you were wanting the best for me. You should hate me. It's what I deserve." He moved a shaky hand up to my cheek and wiped away my forming tears. "I could never hate my little girl." For being so gone, he still loved me as a father would. I leaned my cheek into the coolness of his fragile hands. "I want to make things right. For you. I want to make it up to you...but there's other people I care about now. It's not just us anymore."I admitted quietly. His eyes became lazy, slowly closing. "Safe...Happy... all I want...for you." His eyes closed.

My heart jumped in panic. "Father?" No response. "Father!?" I clutched his hand, but he was out cold. Oh please don't tell me.. Not now. He couldn't be... "Help! Someone come help quickly!" The doors to Gren's room burst open and the guards looked around frantically to settle on me at Gren's side. "Quick send for a doctor!" One guard ran out of the room and in an instant Arid was walking into the room at her normal pace. She didn't look rushed at all. "Arid! Can you do something? Is he?"

Arid just looked at him and placed a hand on his chest, looking deeply at him, concentrating it seemed. "Don't touch him." She said monotone. I took away my hands instantly as if I'd burned them by having them near Gren. Arid stayed silent and after a moment, "It's best to let him be for now." I sighed deeply, "So he'll be ok. Thank goodness." Arid looked at me. "It's best you not return to visit him for a while. You should return to your room...or wherever else you desire." I looked at her curiously but she gave no sign as to anything in her meaning. I removed myself from his side and left Gren's room.

After everything I had done to him.... He still loved me all the same. He could never bring himself to hate me no matter what I did. If he understood that being here made me unhappy, That what I truly wanted was to continue finding my own path. To do what my heart told me to do...I was certain now more than ever that I would have his blessing, but could that mean I could leave him behind? By the way it just looked... Gren didn't seem to have much time left. And as much as he needed me to keep alive, being away from me would also kill him. So- what was the right thing to do?

Mena walked up in a hurry outside of Gren's room, "There you are my dear. I hear you've been getting into all type of trouble haven't you? Is that any way for a future princess to act? Your engagement party is tomorrow night, last thing we need is a bunch of rumours around the kingdom." I looked at her astonished, "What do you mean rumors?" Mena smiled, "Come now, a little angel as yourself to try and free the traitors? Word gets around fast. Now why would you try to free the very man that stole and deceived you...? A true princess would let the past die as it should. You have a whole new era, a whole new life to look forward to in Fortre."

"A whole new life.." I repeated, Mena nodded. "With a prince no less. All of the sisters are quite happy for you too, to see a succubus take the throne alongside a fellow incubi over all marked. We are truly proud of you. I am proud of you." She said with a mother's warmth. "which is why you need to retire for the evening so you can fully engage in the party tomorrow. With the sun rise, a whole new day begins."

Even if I were to try to go do something to free Talus and his family now, there would be nothing I could do. My light was extra bright after having seen Gren. Maybe tonight I could put it to use, try to discover what my hidden power is, so that tomorrow...I could make a choice. Mena lead me to my room "Get plenty of rest. A new era begins tomorrow." Before I could move Mena kissed my forehead and left me there with Jene and Gwen who were waiting and looked more than relieved to see me back in my room in one piece. "Miss we're glad to see that you are safe and sound." Jene greeted. I nodded to then and smiled, "Thank you." Gwen looked at Jene and then back me to her red hair pulled back swooshing back and forth as she did so. "Are you alright miss?"

I walked to the vanity and took a seat by the mirror. "What would you rather have? A life of royalty and luxury, always comfortable but always living in mystery, knowing you will never be truly happy. Or a chance at freedom and make your own path, to choose your life, a chance at true happiness- but might hurt those you love in the process?" 


What would YOU pick?  

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