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This poem is dedicated to @mushy98


I cannot sleep before asking about you

Since the way you've treated me though


Time goes so fast and I still need

To hold your hand and stop the bleed'


I live in the shadows so please

Walk with me and my heart, seize


When the sun hides her shiny face

Mushy's beauty takes its glorious place


Shall thy stay with me so we draw our fate

I'm so glad I've known such a lovely mate

A heart that has never drunk from the cup of hate

Must be loved, hugged, kissed and ate [xD]


Hey guys, this poem and as I menioned before, is dedicated to ma sistaah from anothaa mistaah @mushy98 hope ypu like it :)

Sistaah! I'm sorry for taking so long writing this poem, I've been so busy lately I swear :( hope you like it.

Thanks for the support and reads :)

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