Dreaming of Darcy--Epilogue

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Ok, so this is my last author's note for this story. I had thought about having an extra one after the epilogue, but gave up on the idea very quickly. First off, I want to thank everyone who has stayed with me throughout the story. I cannot even begin to describe how much it means to me. Second, I just want to say, that this is not the last you'll be seeing of the characters :D. I do have a sequel planned focusing on Katrina. Just don't ask me when it will be posted :P. I know it's sort of an abrupt end to the story, but I kind of just needed to end it. If you have any questions, let me know, and I will do my best to address them in the next story!

So I have to say, that this story turned out much differently than I had anticipated. I had thought I would describe Oxford in greater detail and have more of Mason than I did, but I can't say that I have many regrets. This is the first story I have ever written and completed so I'm pretty happy. I know there is a lot of room for improvement but I sincerely hope that will come with time and practice.

I want to thank everyone again who has read, voted, commented, and fanned because of this story! It means the world to me, and I really hope you enjoyed it :).

~Dreaming of Darcy~



They walked on, without knowing in what direction. There was too much to be thought, and felt, and said, for attention to any other objects.--Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 58


The last month at Oxford passed by entirely too quickly for my liking. We'd finished our classes, partied, shopped to our heart's content, and learned more about London's culture and history than we could have ever imagined. Now, it was finally time to go back home, and Nate, Katrina, and I were on our way to the airport. Ben was going to see us off.

That night, which now seemed like forever ago, after Nate and I finally figured things out, I went back to find “Darcy” to give him a piece of my mind. He was extremely apologetic and explained the whole situation to us.

“I'm sorry, Laila, I really am,” he had said. “Mason is my cousin. I had gotten myself into a spot of trouble and was desperate for some cash. Mason promised me that if I won this bet on his behalf, he'd pay me the amount I needed. I never realized how much I might end up hurting you.”

After that, as much as I wanted to be mad at him, I couldn't be. After all, if it hadn't been for him, Nate and I probably would never have gotten together. Well, that's not entirely true, we may have ended up together eventually, but it would have taken forever with neither of us willing to say anything to the other. And there was the small matter that I would never have realized how much I loved him, and not just as my best friend. I can't say that Craig and I will ever be friends, but I don't hate him either.

Katrina initially found it difficult to forgive Ben for his part in the deception, but she soon realized that there was no point in holding a grudge. Now, they're the best of friends, or at least as close as you can become with a person after only a few weeks. Who knows, maybe eventually they're friendship will turn into something more. Though if you ask me, she'd be much better off without him. He seems like the clingy type.

As for me, I'm deliriously happy. Nate is even more wonderful than I ever could have anticipated. And I finally know what he meant when he'd said I couldn't see what was right in front of me. My Mr. Darcy had been waiting patiently for me all along, and I was just too blind to see it. These days, I often found myself just smiling randomly.

“What are you smiling about?” Nate teased, as we walked hand in hand towards the gate, Katrina trailing a little behind us with Ben.

“Nothing,” I replied, my smile growing even wider. “I'm just thinking about how lucky I am to have someone like you.”

He chuckled and pulled me into his arms.

“You've always had me, now you just have some added benefits,” he said, grinning cockily.

“Laila!” Katrina called excitedly behind me. “Look over there! It's actually Greg Darcy! Oh! He's even more handsome in person than he is in those pictures!”

I didn't even pay attention to what she was saying. I was too busy kissing my boyfriend.

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