Chapter 1 Train Ride

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Claudia's POV

sitting in a seat for 5 hours was not on my list of fun things but it will have to be if I wanted to get to safety. I had already talked to Dumbledore and he said that it was fine with him if I stayed. I was already sorted into Gryffindor and my story was that I had moved from The Salem School for Witches. I started bouncing in my seat and humming "It's a small world" to myself when the door was slid open. In walked in 4 boys. 1 had that smart look about him and that kind of demeanor that screamed A+ student. The next was a short kid who looked a little like a mouse and the next was a black haired kid with glasses and dark eyes. The last was a gorgeous who had black hair and grey eyes that just screamed arrogant and cocky. Reminds me of Kol.

" Do you mind if we sit here? Everywhere else is full," The smarty kid said.

" Sure! It was getting lonely in here and I started to feel like an emo loner," I exclaimed feeling excited for company.

" Great! Well I am James Potter and this is Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew," The glasses kid before pointing to the cocky kid then the smart kid then the mouse kid. " Nice to meet you, I am Claudia White," I smirked and they all took seats. We slipped into a comfortable silence that I had to break. " Did you know that monkeys fling poo at each other?" I asked and they all looked at me weirdly. I laughed at their expressions before a girl came in that had red hair and green eyes.

" Hello my name is Lily Evans," she told me before sticking out her hand for me to shake. I did the weird thing to do and took her hand and kissed it. " It is a pleasure Miss. Evans. I have just been discussing manners with James over there and I soon realized he had none, " I said before bursting out laughing at everyone's expressions.

Lily looked at me weirdly before asking me something " Would you like to sit with me away from these toe rags," she asked a little snottily. I immediately stopped laughing and glared at her. " For your information one of those " toe rages" happens to be my brother. And that person just so happens to be James over there so if you could kindly leave, " I glared before pushing her out of the cabin and locking the door.

" I am not your brother," James rose an eyebrow. " Yes, well it was the easiest thing to say to her so she would leave. Also, you already feel like a brother and I can tell we will all be great friends. Now lets change into our robes I expect we'll be arriving soon," I said before sipping out to the girls bathroom where I can change with no peeking eyes. When the train pulled up I could tell that all the boys were excited with how much information they threw at me. We reached the carriages and I saw that they were being pulled by odd winged creatures.

" Hey Remus what are those things that are pulling the carriage?" I asked him curiously while petting the animal. " That would be a thestral, but you should only be able to see them if you have seen death so if you don't mind. Who do you know that is dead?" all of them were looking at me and I couldn't exactly tell them that it was mine so I lied through my teeth. " It was a friend of mine, her name was Elizabeth, Elizabeth Saey," I said and that was partially true. Elizabeth was a friend of mine but she died of old age. The rest of the ride to the castle was in silence but I could tell that one of them would look at me every once and awhile.

" So, what year are you guys in?"

" Our second although James and Sirius like to think they are in their seventh."

" Coincidence I just started my second!" I exclaimed and fist bumped the air. I can honestly say though that the others faces were hilarious when they saw that I wasn't fazed at the magnificence of Hogwarts. I took out my camera and laughed as the bewildered and amused faces that spread around when I took that picture. " By the way that was a total Kodak moment," I laughed and walked up the steps to the main hallway. I froze for a second because I had no idea where I was going.

" Hey guys, where are we going?" I asked looking behind me. They all laughed and steered me in the right direction. We sat down at the Gryffindor table after telling them that I was in that house. We watched the 1st years get sorted and them dug in to the feast. Let me tell you now, the only thing that was more delicious than Hogwarts food was my food, and that was saying something considering I have live for over 950 years.

We all laughed at random things and talked about random things. After desert I was tired so I walked to my dorm room which was in the boys side since there wasn't enough room in the girls dorms. I walked over to the bed with my stuff next to it and flopped down, the boys came in and laughed at me before retiring as well. I wondered what my class was going to be like before I welcomed the coming darkness.

Girl to the Right is Claudia.

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