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unknown number: my dick.

me: really? it looks like a tic tac to me

unknown number: rude ass hoe

me: its not my fault you sent me microscopic nudes

unknown number: it's*

unknown number: and for the record, i know it's huge and you want it

me: wtf whatever and nOO

me: wait...if i check every guy in schools pants, i just have to find the smallest one and then i find you!

unknown number: once again

unknown number: RUDE ASS HOE

me: haha but actually, why did you send that

unknown number: you seem tense

me: yeah, well, it's not like i have a STALKER to deal with in my life

unknown number: im not a stalker

unknown number: but i do happen to know that wanking relieves a great amount of stress

me: so then why did you send me a pic of your tic tac dick

unknown number: to give you something to wank off to

me: that actually may be the funniest joke i've heard you tell

unknown number: speaking of jokes

me: oh no.

unknown number: what did one gay lizard say to the other gay lizard

me: ...what?

unknown number: IGUANA KISS YOU

me: *yawns with boredom*

unknown number: ugh you're no fun

me: neither are your jokes

unknown number: jeez, are you on your man period today or something?

me: no, im just tired of your bullshit

unknown number: maybe i'll see you at school today?

me: yeah, but i won't see you im guessing

unknown number: you never know

Louis' POV

I'm fed up with this guy. Who does he think he is, texting me but not sharing his name, sending me fricking nudes but never once giving him a piece of information about his identity that will actually help me find him?

I recognize that I was being a jerk to him earlier. I shouldn't have been so rude after he told me about that thing with his parents, but I was upset. Not with him. I was upset with myself because I actually felt sympathetic towards him. I felt emotions that I shouldn't feel for such a person, one who watches me when I eat lunch and sends me cheesy texts when I look like I'm down all at the same time.

I walk into school late and with a lack of enthusiasm, and I hang my head low. My hair is parted in a fringe today, and so I let it take over the majority of my face, not willing to meet anyone in the eyes. I had been so caught up in the conversation with Mystery Man that I forgot to check the clock, forcing me to shove an apple in my mouth and race out the door. I don't even believe I said goodbye to anyone. Oh well. My locker is on the other end of the school from my first period class, but I have a large coat with me because it's the middle of fall and I want to get rid of it, so I figure I might as well make my way over there. It's not like I'm not already late.

My shoes squeak throughout the halls, and everything is very silent. I had never been late to class before, so I didn't even know the hallways could be this silent. It was almost creepy. In the distance, I heard, teachers preaching their lessons to bored students, but other than that, nothing. I finally made it to my locker, and even so, I was rushing trying to open it, causing it to take three tries before I can release the lock and open the door. It's only then when a small and thin box falls out, along with a letter. I don't even know how somebody could get a box through the vents on our lockers, but nonetheless, I pick up both the container and the note cautiously. I look at the note first.

Dear Louis,

Since you're on your "man period", I got you a box of chocolates. I also hope they make up for my acting like a dick by sending you a dick pic (even though we both know you enjoyed that way more than you'd ever admit).

All the love,

Your stalker (who's not actually a stalker) and Future Husband

I smile, giggling a little to myself, before I look at the box. It contains two chocolates, two of my favorite chocolates, and I can't even fathom how this guy knows what kind of chocolates I like. I never told him. He is a stalker, I remind myself. A sweet, thoughtful stalker at that. My cheeks heat up at the thought of the sweet gesture.

Just as I'm putting my stuff away, I hear a squeak of a shoe. But, the thing is, it's not my shoe. Nobody else is in the hallway by me and for a quick second, I swear I see a flash of brown, curly hair whip by from behind a corner. I gasp, wondering if I should run and try to catch up with them, but I decide against it, recognizing that I can hear the fast pace of squeaky shoes receding down the adjacent corridor I know I'll never be able to catch up in time. Minutes go by as I stare down at the box of candy with a huge grin on my face and a thousand thoughts in my head before I receive a single text.

unknown number: you look so cute when you blush ;)

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