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unknown stranger: hey babe

me: just bc youre taking me to the dance, does not automatically mean i am your "babe"

unknown stranger: but you are my babe

unknown stranger: my baby

unknown stranger: my good baby boy

me: yes pls, daddy


unknown stranger: yes it did ;)

me: no. it did not. my cat did it

unknown stranger: mhmm

me: okay fine anywayyyyyyyy

unknown stranger: have you picked out anything to wear for the dance yet?

me: no, not yet

unknown stranger: maybe matching blue?

unknown stranger: you know, for your gorgeous eyes

me: *blushes*

unknown stranger: *smirks*

me: *loses blush at cocky attitude*

unknown stranger: *keeps smirking*

me: *shifts uncomfortably in his seat*

unknown stranger: *loses smirk as to not disturb babydoll*

me: *blushes again*

unknown stranger: *smirks again*

me: okay yeah, im done with that

unknown stranger: me too haha

me: im going to go shopping later for a dress

unknown stranger: ... did you just say you were wearing a dress?

me: oh did i not mention that? *smirks*

unknown stranger: um

unknown stranger: wow, damn that's hot

me: yeah um im going with eleanor in an hour to look for something to wear

unknown stranger: god dammit i cant wait to see you in a dress

me: that is, if you actually show up

unknown stranger: i promise you

unknown stranger: i will

me: hey stranger?

unknown stranger: yeah, louis?

me: what's your name?

unknown stranger: come on louis i cant tell you yet

unknown stranger: you know that

me: please

unknown stranger: no

me: why? why are you so scared? you've been so nice to me, and you've given me a date for the dance, as well as picking me up when i was down about my stupid ex. you've done all of these things, now why cant you tell me your name?

unknown stranger is typing...

unknown stranger: i have to go lou

unknown stranger: see you friday

me: you're being so fricking difficult

me: i cant even believe you

me: see you at the dance, asshole

I hope everyone had a great holiday. I can't believe my little louis turned 24 :')

Is everyone ready for a plot twist?


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