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One Week Later

me: hey

me: its been awhile

me: are you okay

me: okay, so i know it was unfair for me not to tell you i had a boyfriend

me: but in my defense, you knew my favorite chocolates, which i don't think i ever told you, so i figured you at least knew i was in a relationship

me: and yes, i am gay

me: remember how i denied it when we first started talking?

me: we've come so far since then

me: anyways, i told the same joke i told you to liam yesterday. he didn't take it too well

me: he just stared at me and then asked me if i was on drugs

me: the thing is though, when im talking to you, it feels like im on drugs

me: i feel so lightheaded and confident, like i can say or do anything without being judged, and i don't really care if i am either

me: it's really nice

me: i know you're going to come back and see that i sent you all of these messages. please just respond. it's kind of hard to know if you're ok if i don't even know who you are

me: im sorry if you're upset because im in a relationship

me: now that i think about it, i should be the mad one, bc you're ignoring me when all i did was tell you i have a boyfriend. it was never really any of your business in the first place and if you were going to get so buttsore you shouldn't have asked about liam

me: i can't believe im wasting my time on you. text me when your able to get your shit straight

  unknown number: are you drunk?    

unknown number: oh and you're*

unknown number: and im not upset. i have no reason to be upset.

me: im not drunk and obviously you're upset bc im dating liam. that's why you haven't texted me in a week

unknown number: im not mad about that because i know you're not really in love with him

me: of course im in love with him

  unknown number: no you're not

me: yes i am. stop it.    

unknown number: then how come you made all of those comments about harry styles that one day? how come you never mentioned liam before when i literally. sent. you. nudes. how come i never see you with liam? how come you got all blushy and giggly when i gave you the chocolates? you don't love him. i know that. it just took me a little time to figure it out

me: wow

me: okay

me: i actually can't believe you

me: i come to you and ask if you're okay and prepare myself for a huge fight where i have to console you after you figure out your crush has a boyfriend and you're putting words into my mouth and denying my love for said boyfriend

  unknown number: you wouldn't of had to console me, you should have known that


me: well here's some news for you

me: i love liam. and i don't even know why im still talking to you bc i could be talking to my lovely boyfriend

me: so whatever

unknown number: wait louis

 unknown number: ugh

unknown number: you always run away from your problems

  unknown number: just like a baby

  unknown number: ...my little baby </3  

Read at 10:27 pm 

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