Chapter One

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"She's not a saint and she not what you think she's an actress whoa. She's better known for the things that she does on the mattress whoa...she should keep in mind she should keep in mind that there is nothing I do better than revenge."

I was listening to the song "Better than Revenge" by Taylor Swift as I glowered at the back of Ashley Keiser's head. I was seated behind her in the auditorium, and supposed to sing in the talent show, which was going on at the moment. If only I could sing that on stage to her...

"Juliet O'Connor," the PTA woman recited as I stood up, as I took my spot on the stage. I began to think more and more about Ashley.

She always made me boil with rage. If there was a trophy for people that made my teeth clench tightly and knuckles bundle up into fists, she'd take home the first prize. She and her little catty crew made me want to punch a wall. Not to mention, she also had stolen my now ex-boyfriend Rick from me just recently, so if her filthy personality wasn't enough, I had a new-found reason to have an overwhelming urge to smack her.

On the stage, I felt like someone else. My attire wasn't like me; I was wearing all black leather and dark, dark make-up. My lips looked like the color of a rose in full bloom and I looked more like I belonged in a motorcycle gang than on the stage of a high school auditorium.

I looked down at my tattoo of the word "Pluto" that I had gotten when I was fifteen in memory of my father and took a deep breath before I began my performance.


My feet were begging me to take off my black stilettos when my performance had ended. When I stepped off the stage there was loud applause and lots of cheering. Apparently, it was enjoyable.

When I sat down next to my best friend Jason, he stared at me wide eyed and speechless.

"What?" I asked chuckling.

He just shook his head, and his eyes drifted to my chest. The tight clothing really had showcased my breasts, and I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. After a few seconds, I zipped up my jacket and glared at him.

"Hey!" I snapped my fingers in front of his face. "That's enough Jason. I know you're a guy and you have urges but...really?!" I said as I hit the side of his head.

"Sorry Jules." Jason said, embarrassed and suddenly timid.

I smiled at him reassuringly and we both sat there behind Ashley yet again, Jason watching the rest of the show while I restrained myself from kicking Ashley's seat just to tick her off.

Before I could really snap, the show had ended and we stood up to leave the auditorium. As soon as we reached the doors, Jason spoke up for the first time since our awkward situation earlier.

"You did great up there, Jules." Jason said. "You totally blew them all away."

"I suppose so. But really, all I wanted to do was pour rotten milk over Ashley's head the entire time, so it wasn't as enjoyable as it could have been." I hear a few catcalls from boys in the hall and rolled my eyes, debating on yelling at them to show some decency.

Jason continued. "Ashley Keiser? Why do you care about her? What's the big deal? Yes, she stole your boyfriend but you didn't even like Rick anyway! You were going to break up with him in a couple days, you told me."

"Yeah, but she's still a witch. Have you ever spent time with that awful wretch of a girl?"

"Yeah, yeah. Okay, I think you're just a little jealous." Jason said with a sly smirk.

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