Chapter Five

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I ran a quick brush through my hair and touched up my make-up. I brushed my teeth and put on some Chapstick. I tidied my room as much as I could and made sure my bed was decent looking. There was a knock on the front door and I sprinted down the stairs, flattening my hair and straightening my shirt before opening the door. Ean's beautiful face was smiling widely at me.

"Hey," I said to him returning the smile. I moved aside from the door, letting him in. He walked in, his eyes never leaving mine. I closed the door and as soon as it closed, he grabbed me and led me to the couch in my living room.

I giggled as he pulled me on to him. He looked into my eyes lustfully. He moved his face closer to mine until our lips were mere centimeters away from touching. I eagerly moved my lips onto his. A sort of frenzy was released between us. His tongue begged for entrance into my mouth and I gladly granted permission. He explored my mouth and I moaned in pleasure. His hands gripped my hips and he turned us so I was now on my back. We were tangled together like yarn. His lips explored over my body and in response I sighed in desire.

My shirt and his had been thrown to opposite sides of the room and my bra was still on, but unhooked. I reached down for the button on his jeans and fumbled with it, trying to smoothly unbutton them. After a few minutes of struggle, Ean helped me while chuckling against my lips. We both turned on our sides on the couch, facing each other and he slid his pants off. My bra was now off and in an unknown location of the house.

We were pressed against each other, and I could feel him in every way. My hands ran through his hair and his hands moved up my torso. He was about to reach my breasts when the doorbell rang. I practically jumped horizontally four feet in the air and let out a scream. I sat up in panic and started scanning the room for articles of clothing. I spotted my bra over by the front door. I rolled over the end of the couch and grabbed it desperately. I couldn't get it hooked so I left it unhooked and sprinted over to my shirt. From behind me Ean's hands grabbed the clasp of my bra and hooked it for me. He had put on his jeans and was looking for his shirt. I fixed my hair and wiped my face of smeared make-up. Once Ean's shirt was on, I went to the door and opened it.

"Hi, my name's Adeline!" A little girl in a Girl Scouts uniform chimed. "I'm selling Girl Scout cookies to win an IPad. Do you want any? We have Thin Mints, Tagalongs, Savannah Smiles, Do-Si-Dos, Trefoils, and my personal favorite: Samoas."

"Uh..." I stood there, wide-eyed at the girl's hopeful, smiling face. "You know what? I am actually running low on Thin Mints. I'll take two boxes." I said to her.

"Ooh, okay! Um, here you go! It's ten dollars." She said handing me two green Thin Mint boxes. I pulled out my wallet from my back pocket and handed her the money. "Thank you!" She said and gave me a hug. I hugged her back sweetly and waved goodbye. I closed the door and sat down in front of it, put my head back against the wood and let out an exasperated sigh.

I just got dressed in .3 seconds, gave up making out with my boyfriend and spent ten dollars on Girl Scout cookies. How did this happen?

Ean sat down next to me and put his arm over my shoulders. I held up one of the five dollar boxes of cookies, offering them to him. He took it and ripped it open. He put a cookie in front of my face and I opened my mouth, waiting to taste the mint chocolatey goodness. Instead I felt Ean's lips on mine. I couldn't kiss him back because I was laughing hysterically. He was tickling me mercilessly. I squirmed and let out a small shriek continuing to laugh. I moved my hands onto his chest and he started to stop tickling me. I took that chance to get away from him. I ran up the stairs and went into my bedroom, but before I could close the door he was already grabbing my waist. With one of his hands he closed the door. He picked me up and threw me onto my sloppily made queen sized bed. He spotted my laptop on my night stand and he grabbed it, sitting on the edge of my bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2015 ⏰

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