Harmless pranks

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Class the next day was more of the strange. Our teacher focused the days lessons on the upcoming Harvest festival. We ignored Mrs Lockhart as she rambled about the rituals, the gods, nature, the blah, and the zZzZz.

There were songs to remember in a language we had never heard of before. Even without any knowledge of the language we still stood in the class choir reciting the dull songs. The other students knew the songs off by heart and sang the hollow tune in harmony with their eyes closed. I mimed my way through without much notice as trying to sing the words only made the words stick to the back of my throat.

Behind me I heard Sammy's mischievous whisper. Straining my ears I realized she had re worded the lyrics to Shake it Off and I had to hold back my laughter. It fitted perfect. Well almost. It caused enough of a discord for the student next to me (Rose I think) open her eyes and scowl. I'm not sure why she looked so upset we were only having fun. After we had stopped singing Mrs Lockhart cheered and gave us all boiled sweets as a reward. Rose returned to her friends who gathered in a circle to whisper with each other. I wanted to interrupt them, it was obvious who they were talking about but Sammy dragged me back to the safety our seats.

In our next class, they asked us to bake festival breads and were split into groups of 'lads and lasses'. It was cringe-worthy. They gave the 'lasses' dried nettle leaves, while the 'lads' held the dried garden mint and bilberries. I took out my phone,

Junebug I should tweet this bs, who wants to eat nettles? (;¬_¬)

xXSammygirlXx Check your back pocket first ;)

Junebug ???

xXSammygirlXx I just 'acquired' us some manly mint.

Junebug I can do better...

Junebug Down with the Baketriarchy! (」゜ロ゜)」

I took the bundle of mint leaves Sammy had stolen and walked to the front of class to the girls ingredients. I stuck my hand into the dried nettles and acted as if I was rummaging around while I mixed in the mint. I finished by taking out a small mix of my new herby concoction and turned back to my seat giving Sammy a wink. Mission accomplished.

After the bread finished baking Mrs Lockhart sniffed the girls bread with suspicion. She ripped the bread apart and dug her long pale fingers until she found the specks of dark green within. Giving the bread a taste she turned pale green herself. "Class dismissed" she squeaked. Before running away from our bemused class for the headteacher's office.
Sammy went outside "I need some air which didn't stink of herbs", while I went to use the girls toilets. Sitting in the cold cubicle I heard the doors to the bathroom open and footsteps of other girls walk in.

"I dun think she'll have the time to bake any." said the first voice which sounded like Lily.

"Oh come on she'll have all day an I'm sure our mothers will help" said the second with a light voice of hope.

"It's not an issue of time Daisy" spat the third voice which sounded like Rose, "it's if they have the ingredients for our bread."

"We cannae trust that more aint contaminated." Said the first voice dropping her tone, "I don't wanna eat boy bread by accident urgh"

"Pfft like it was an accident" said Rose .

"What do ya mean?" Said Daisy.

"Dos weirdos, must've had somethin to do with it" said Rose.

"urgh I hate em" said Lily.

"they're still dressing up like freaks-" said Rose.

"-they look like banshees in that face paint" said Lily.

They all laughed and my heart sank. 'there goes our local fashion business idea' I thought as I pulled my phone out if my pocket.

Junebug Hey sis

Junebug I was thinking, maybe we should go to that clothing and pick up some dresses for the festival

xXSammygirlXx ew. no.

xXSammygirlXx Are you okay? what's happening?

Junebug nothing, it's just an idea

xXSammygirlXx come on tell me? It's okay

Junebug I'm in the bathroom and the other girls are talking about us

Junebug they're calling us freaks

xXSammygirlXx so? Ignore them they wouldn't last five minutes in the real world

xXSammygirlXx I'd rather be an outcast and still be myself. Than to force ourselves to be something we're not and hate. They're just jealous because their woollen bras make them bitches itch.

Junebug lol thanks sis

I felt much better. Sammy could always do this, I'd hear her defiance in my own voice and I'd be less afraid about with what others think or could do to me. She was my rock.

Junebug What are we going to do about these girls? I think it's Daisy, Lily and Rose gossiping.

xXSammygirlXx oh don't you worry I got this. Just go out there and do your best freaky twin act. Operation scare the hippies. XD

I used my sleeves to wipe the small tears from my eyes and put on my battle face to deal with the other girls. They were all laughing but fell silent as I unlocked the door and glared.

"You know it's not nice to disrespect people you don't know." I said staring at the mirror as I washed my hands. "We must teach you all a lesson in respect." I put my fingers to my temple and starred in the mirror mumbling nonsense words before speaking.

"Oh great sister can you hear me?"I paused. "Yes, yes I have them here Lily, Rose and Daisy-urck."

I started to shake my arms and rolled my eyes to the back of my head I could hear them start to whimper. Doing my best zombie impression I groaned and put my hands under the water again. I jumped and splashed water in their pale stupid faces shouting "PUNISH THEM" in a deep booming voice.
I heard their terrified feet run straight to the classroom before another shriek echoed out. I peeked out the bathroom and saw all three flee from the classroom. Daisy in her panic lost her balance and fell to the ground smashing her face against the hard wooden floor. I ran up to her, guilt rose in my stomach as the blood from her nose dripped onto her clean white dress. She looked at me wide eyed before sprinting off after Lily and Rose out of the school. Sammy came out the classroom laughing brushing off black feathers.

"That was hilarious. I found dead crow outside and covered myself in its feathers to jump out at them. You should have seen their faces."

"I think we scared them too much. What if we get into trouble?"I asked.

"For what?" Said Sammy "A splash of water and couple of feathers? Not exactly criminal."

I nodded in agreement while she wrapped her arm around my shoulder. "Don't stress sis, nobody's going to hurt you while I'm here."

We walked home earlier than expected passing villagers hanging bright yellow and red banners. They sang one of the songs we had learnt from class as they worked their busy hands. I started to wish I had memorized the words myself. Tomorrow was Lughnasadh and the entire village had unified to create the biggest celebration. I wasn't sure if I felt excited if nervous for my first festival, but at least school was cancelled for tomorrow.

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