chapter 10

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Aug n Chris are on tour. It's a good thing cuz I really don't wanna be around him. We have some award show to go to when they back. I'm really proud of them doing it big and all. College so far so good. I'm doing 2 majors right now psychology and sociology. The same but no. It will help me more if I do decide to be a psychologist. But I'm not really feeling it. Like how can I tell ppl how to handle their issues when I can't figure my own out. With Ameri being preg and school its really keeping my mind off August and all the shit I'm sure he's doing. Just hope nothing hits the media or it all blow up in our faces. But other than that I feel ok. And all us well. Just when I'm not doing anythingy mind begins to wonder. I reall...... (Ameri cuts her thoughts short)

"Say Bree, lets go eat or go on the boardwalk. Hell lets do something"
"Sure just let me get dressed. We can go afte.....(something catches their attention on TV, Bree turns it up.)

TV lady
Well it looks like August Alsina and Chris Brown are really tearing it up on stage with their first tour
TV guy
Yes seems like August's new wife is an extra motivation for him putting in a mill percent. We have a clip of it right now
Yes I am truly enjoying the road and I wanna thank Bree my wife because without her, I wouldn't be here
I feel the same about my beautiful girl Ameri and my baby that's on the way
TV guy
Well guys looks like (Bree cuts off TV)

" why did you do that.?"
"I'm just going to get dressed so we can go"
"Bree those words are true"
"About the situation not about me, just drop it so we can go. I'm fine."
"Ok just as long as you are ok."

I know what's going on with her we talk about everything. But I also know the words my brother said was true. Without Bree he would be screwed. I'm glad me and Chris don't have these issues because I would catch a case.

I wonder if Bree say the interview. The words Aug said were super true. He do some dumb shit but if it wasn't for her, he would be truly fucked. I'm glad I got sense cuz his sister Ameri would kill my ass past dead.

"Aug you good?"
"Huh?, yeah I'm good just thinking."
"Well snap out of it, next city coming up and we almost to the hotel. Then home we go."
"Ikr, I know you miss my sis. I'm glad you being a man she need cuz her ass would cut you other wise." (Lol)
"Hell yeah cuz y'all Alsinas are crazy"
"Boy whatever"

The words I said I meant them an dthwu were true. I wonder if she saw it. Prob not all the studying she be doing. But I did mena them she really has had my back all our lives. Loyal asf. And ima hold her down and make sure she straight too. Didn't think this tour would be this stressful. Not that it is but its so many girls been coming at me is stressful asf to stay on the low without getting caught up.I need to get home so I can rest. Then the award show and just chill till the next one start. I love my life.
Hello my beautiful butterflies. I had to update cuz it was on my mind too hard. Hope y'all enjoy it. Love you all thanks for the reads

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