chapter 17

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So I've been doing good got two more weeks of school. But iv been super tired I'm sure it's cuz I'm trying to get all this work out the way before break comes. I haven't acted any differently around August and he's been in the studio alot lately I'm so proud of him. Every now and then he looks at me like he knows something about that night but hasn't said anything so I'm good. Ameri and my godbaby are wonderful. Me and Chris always have her Aug and Ameri get mad but ole well. The baby has been like super clingy to me lately. But thats cuz I applied her. Hey I'm the God parent lol. I just got threw type this long as paper and all I wanna do is take a nap ya dig

"Bree, what's wrong?"
(Yawns)" nothing just got thru with that paper for chemistry "
"I give you props sis, you keep it together with school and my brother cuz one would be dead kmsl"
"Girl you so silly ion oay him no attention,but ima take a nap if you or my baby need me wake me up"

Ameri looks at her a few mins before she finally walks off. Something is going on and she gone find out.

I've been int eh studio and stuff lately life is wonderful. Seems like me and Bree are evn better. I'm so proud of her where school is concerned. I even slowed down on my hoevents. You know my special downlow events with randoms. I still can't shake that damn dream. I be wanting to tell Bree but I can't make things between us crazy like that. Cuz when I think about it, I seem like the perv. Chris told me to just chill on it because it's only a dream and yes that's true so I gotta puxh it to the back and focus on this show that's coming up in 2 days. I'll be back in time for Bree to go on break. I miss hanging out with my bestie.

So I brought a ring today. Yep I want to propose to Ameri. Ion see myself with nobody else. She had my daughter and I love her with all my heart. I was gone wait till we came back from this lil show but ima do it now. As I'm walking in the house I'm nervous asf. Damn am I pose to feel like this. Feel like ima pass out and shit....

"Aug, Bree, Ameri!!!!!! Y'all home?"
"Yeah, babe here I come"

Ameri and the baby are the last ones to come down stairs. Chris drops to his knee. Bree grabs the baby, August smiles and Ameri breaks down crying.

"Ameri, I love you with all my heart. I wouldn't want my life to be any other way than to have you by my side. In front of our best friends I'm asking you will you do me the honor of making me happy for the rest of my life and marry me?"

"(Crying and nodding head)

Chris stands and they kiss and hug and August daps his boy and tells him he's proud. Bree still crying (the guys looks at her crazy)

"Whaaaaaaaat I'm happy for my bestie friend. Damn guys have no idea"
"Ikr, its OK sis I get what u feeling"
(The girls hig and cry more, the boys laugh)

Life can't get no better everything is looking up. Everyone is growing up. And another wedding to plan for.
Hello my beautiful butterflies, how are y'all?. Hummmm so many thoughts, what are yours? Chris and Ameri yayyyyyyyyy. Aug slowing down on his hoevents kmsl. He jus childish haahhaha. Well thank for the read and comment continue to enjoy vote and comment

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