Nobody Ever Said

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I May Have Loved You

You were the boy across the street with rough hands and the broken heart
Sitting watching the sunset and thinking the silent "what if's."
I walked past him once and he glanced at me quickly; if only for a second
I fell in love with his silence and his innocence
If only you were still this boy.
I would've loved you more if I danced with you in the early morning light
Quick on our feet, never looking away from each other's eyes.
I would've fallen in love with the way you looked down shyly at your feet
Or the way you laughed so carefree when you held me in your arms.

I should've loved the way you told me to 'drive safe'
And the way you drank from that bottle like it was your last breath.
I should've loved the way you pulled my hair and the way you told me you never cared
That never happened.
Our twisted words fell out of our mouths like nightmares
Cursing us to be forever banned from the safe haven we called 'love'.
We tried to hold onto what was left
But knew that what we were holding onto,
Wasn't worth the risk.
I got caught up in your web of lies, abuse and mistrust
Until I realised
You were bad for me.

I couldn't have loved you more if I tried.
Nobody ever said loving you would be easy
Loving you was the hardest thing I have ever done.
After sleepless nights and teary eyes,
Worn out hearts and shaking hands, we tried
Tried to fix our broken mistakes
But all that remained was just that; broken pieces of what
Once was my safe place.
Your eyes had carried me away to a place where I could rest soundly
And your lips had always tasted like strawberries freshly picked
Until your eyes no longer made me rest
And your lips no longer had that sweet taste
But tasted foul between my teeth and your name stung like a stab wound.
But maybe
I could have,
should have,
would have loved you longer if you were more like, still like this boy.
Nobody ever said it would be easy.

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