Cracked containers and heavy hearts

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My heart is an array of oil and grease,

Splattered on the stretched canvas

of my chest, of my life.

My tears tried to wash the remnants of you

From the dark parts of my mind.

You were everywhere I went,

Haunting my every step

Breathing down my back

Reminding me of your torment.

Scatterbrain, shattered heart and marked .

My scars look like the pictures you used to paint

And my cries sound like the vinyls you used to play

You carved your initials in my body like tree bark

My arms, my legs

You didn't feel the pain

But I did.

Scatterbrain, shattered heart and scarred.

I was so lost in your arms

In the wonderland of our love

That I didn't feel you carving into my skin.

Scatterbrain, shattered heart and done.

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